DekodeInteraktiv / anonymize-mysqldump

Allows you to pipe data from mysqldump or an SQL file and anonymize it.
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 9 forks source link

Anonymize Mysqldump Tool

Test Main Branch

Allows you to pipe data from mysqldump and anonymize it:

mysqldump -u yada -pbadpass -h db | anonymize-mysqldump --config config.json > anonymized.sql

You may also pipe in the content of an existing SQL dump using cat:

cat database.sql | anonymize-mysqldump --config config.json > anonymized.sql

You can also define the locale for the fake data generation (defaults to en):

cat database.sql | anonymize-mysqldump --config config.json --locale nb_no > anonymized.sql

Here is the help command output as a guide.

  anonymize-mysqldump [flags]

  --help -h      Outputs help text and exits.
  --config       The path to a custom config file.
  --locale       The faker locale.

  The anonymizer will use a default config suitable for WordPress, but you can override this by providing your own.


Built binaries

You can download the binary for your system from the Releases page. Once downloaded and unarchived, move it to a location in your path such as /usr/local/bin and make it executable. For instance, to download the MacOS binary for 64 bit platforms (this is most common):

curl -OL
gunzip anonymize-mysqldump_darwin_amd64.gz
mv anonymize-mysqldump_darwin_amd64 /usr/local/bin/anonymize-mysqldump
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/anonymize-mysqldump

Direct from source

You can clone this Git repository and build the project locally your self, you will then need a local Golang environment.

git clone anonymize-mysqldump
cd anonymize-mysqldump
go install ./...

The above will install a copy to your PATH. You can also just build the executable and move it where you prefer using go build ./..., do take note of the three dots after the forward slash, which will make sure the build includes subdirectories.

Running tests

Golang comes with a test suite built in, you can run the tests on every file in a project using go test ./...


This tool is designed to read a file stream over STDIN and produce an output over STDOUT. A config file is required and can be provided via the -c or --config flag. An example config for anonymizing a WordPress database is provided at config.example.json:

curl -LO

Whenever the tool experiences an error, it will output a log to STDERR. If you wish to not see that output while the command is running, redirect it to some other file (or /dev/null if you don't care):

mysqldump -u yada -pbadpass -h db | anonymize-mysqldump --config config.json 2> path/to/errors.log > anonymized.sql


Important things to be aware of!

Config File

An example config for anonymizing a WordPress database is provided at config.example.json.

  "patterns": [
      "tableName": "wp_users",
      "purge": false,
      "fields": []

The config is composed of many objects in the patterns array:


Supposing you have a WordPress database and you need to modify certain meta, be it user meta, post meta, or comment meta. You can use constraints to update data only whenever a certain condition is matched. For instance, let's say you have a user meta key last_ip_address. If you wanted to change that value, you can use the following config in the fields array:

  "field": "meta_value",
  "position": 4,
  "type": "ipv4",
  "constraints": [
      "field": "meta_key",
      "position": 3,
      "value": "last_ip_address"

Field Types

Each column stores a certain type of data, be it a name, username, email, etc. The type property in the config is used to define the type of data stored, and ultimately the type of random data to be inserted into the field. is used for generating the fake data. These are the types currently supported:

Type Example output
username micah_pfeffer
password 5ccf672d5c73748146be6b37568efa57
name Natasha Hartmann
firstName Carolina
lastName Kohler
phoneNumber +49-131-0003060
billingAddressFull Carolina Kohler 6071 Heaney Island Suite 553, Ebbaville Texas 37307 JP +49-131-0003060
addressFull 6071 Heaney Island Suite 553, Ebbaville Texas 37307
addressStreet "586 Sylvester Turnpike"
addressCity North Dessie
addressPostCode 31340
addressCountry Uruguay
addressCountryCode JP
paragraph Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, fabulas nostrum recteque vel ea, sit ut nemore similique. Ad per dicam molestie, nostro constituto duo ad. Ex scripta impedit cum, vidisse feugiat vivendum cum ad, liber senserit mediocrem pro.
shortString wqFyJIrXYfVP7cLwqFyJIrXYfVP7cL
companyName Aufderhar LLC
companyNumber 123456789
creditCardNumber 1234-2121-1221-1211
creditCardExpiryDate 2015-11-11
creditCardType mastercard
norwegianSSN 07026765743

If you need another type, please feel free to add support and file a PR!


The releases are built by GoReleaser which automatically generates binaries for various operating systems and creates a Github release with them.


Many thanks to Automattic/go-search-replace for serving as the starting point for this tool, and HumanMade/go-anonymize-mysqldump for their improvements. Also many thanks to xwb1989/sqlparser for the SQL parsing library. We wouldn't have been able to do this without them!