Deli-Slicer / CatBurglar

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Color tests & filler assets for levels #9

Closed pushfoo closed 3 years ago

pushfoo commented 3 years ago


We want to know if we can make the game work visually, so we need interactive mockups. Detail isn't a priority, but color language and palettes should be a little at this point. My hope is to end up with color language that's clear. Mirror's Edge 1 and the Portal games are top notch examples of good puzzle game level design for 1st Person. Limbo is a highly recommended side scroller puzzle game.

Assets to try adding

Use the work from #8 to try building assets and a map that can be previewed in TMX with some of the following:

It may should use the layers outlined in #3 as guidance for how to break things up, but you don't have to make it playable yet. If you make something that you think looks good, merge it in under a reasonable location. I'll try to get the layer manager / renderer working.

Color palette suggestions

If these suggestions suck, feel free to throw them out. My initial color suggestions are as follows:

I might be wrong about these colors . You can draw and paint much better than I can so use your best judgement to come up with a police station color palette that seems reasonable. The goal is a light-hearted tone, not a serious one.

pushfoo commented 3 years ago

Greenish blue tint might be a better fit for the background than yellows or reds.

pushfoo commented 3 years ago

Inside of buildings and stealth aren't in scope anymore due to time constraints.