Deli-Slicer / CatBurglar

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A quick entry for PyWeek. The theme given for pyweek 31 was "Cops".

You are a gorilla. Your cat was framed for illegal stonks trading, so you snuck into jail to bust her out. Now you need to make your escape!

This is a variation on a runner game genre, except there is a time limit of 2 minutes before the player wins. Press space to jump over enemies. The longer you hold space, the higher you jump.


Python >= 3.7 is required. See this guide for information on how to install it.

Arcade >= 2.5.6 and dependencies are also required. They will be installed by following the instructions below.

Installation for Players

1. Download the zip or clone the repo

2. Enter the directory in your terminal or command prompt

3. Create a virtual environment:

python -m venv CatBurglarVenv

4. Activate the environment.

Choose the appropriate command from the table below based on your OS and shell.

Operating System & Shell Command
Windows with cmd.exe CatBurglarVenv\Scripts\activate.bat
Windows with PowerShell CatBurglarVenv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
Linux , macOS , other *NIX source CatBurglarVenv/bin/activate

5. Install the project and its requirements

Run the following command. It might take a bit to set up arcade.

pip install -e .

6. Run the game


You will need to have the virtual environment activated to run the game. If you open a new terminal (such as after restarting your computer), you will need to activate the shell again.

For developers

1. Set up a virtual environment

Follow steps 1-5 above to create a virtual environment, or use your preferred manner.

2. Set up your development environment for debugging

If you use a debugger in an IDE, you may need to alter the path that is set as the working directory when debugging from On pycharm, this may be found under Run > Edit Configurations. You will need to set the run configuration for to the root of the directory so that it can find assets when run from the IDE ui.

Asset citations

Gorilla Sprites

Original Gorilla sprites by Salami. These don't show up in the game, but are bundled in the assets directory. Cat added by Pushfoo (cat*.png in assets/gorilla)

Cop and Drone

Cop and drone sprites by Pushfoo