Delocy / StudyPals

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A project created for Orbital Cohort 2023.


StudyPals is designed to be the perfect and ideal study partner, always by one’s side to offer motivation and emotional support.

We want this application to add value to students’ lives by reducing the cognitive load on an individual by freeing up mental space and allowing them to focus on the task at hand. They can rely on our application to ensure that they do not miss out any important details like deadlines or work to be done.

Our application recognizes that many students struggle with balancing the demands of school, work, and personal life. We believe that students should have the tools they need to take control of their lives and succeed academically.

User Stories

  1. As a student who is faced with overwhelming stress, I have a platform to share my worries and view affirmative and motivational quotes according to how I feel that day.

  2. As a student, I want to find out how productive I have been while I am using my app through the Insights page to make necessary adjustments to improve efficiency.

  3. As a student, I can use the pomodoro timer to study to ensure that I stay productive and can be focused on doing my tasks.

  4. As a student, I can categorise my list of tasks and organize them based on priority, deadline, and category, with a calendar view for easy readability.


Calendar To Do List

Self Care Section

Pomodoro Timer

Productivity Tracker

