DelphinusLab / prover-node-docker

Docker environment for zkwasm prover node
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Prover Node Docker

This is the docker container for the prover node. This container is responsible for running the prover node and handling tasks from the server.

Table of Contents

If you had installed the prover docker before, please go to the Upgrading Prover Node section directly for upgrading.


The prover node requires a CUDA capable GPU, currently at minimum an RTX 4090.

The docker container is built on top of Nvidia's docker runtime and requires the Nvidia docker runtime to be installed on the host machine.

Setting up the Host Machine

We need to install the nvidia-container-toolkit on the host machine. This is a requirement for the docker container to be able to access the GPU.

Since the docs aren't the clearest, these are the commands to copy paste!

distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID) \
      && curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg \
      && curl -s -L$distribution/libnvidia-container.list | \
            sed 's#deb https://#deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg] https://#g' | \
            sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-container-toolkit.list

and then

sudo apt-get update

and then

sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-container-toolkit

Configure Docker daemon to use the nvidia runtime as the default runtime.

sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime=docker --set-as-default

Restart the docker daemon

sudo systemctl restart docker (Ubuntu)

sudo service docker restart (WSL Ubuntu)

Another method to set the runtime is to run this script after the cuda toolkit is installed.

sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure


The image is currently built with

The versions should not be changed unless the prover node is updated. The compiled prover node binary is sensitive to the CUDA version and the Ubuntu version.

Build the Docker Image

Better clean the old docker image/volumes if you want.

To Build the docker image, run the following command in the root directory of the repository.


We do not use BuildKit as there are issues with the CUDA runtime and BuildKit.


Prover Node Configuration

prover_config.json file is the config file for prover node service.

Dry Run Service Configuration

The Dry Run service will be required to run parallel to the prover node. The Dry Run service is responsible for synchronising tasks with the server and ensuring the prover node is working correctly. This service must be run in parallel to the prover node, so running the service through docker compose is recommended.

dry_run_config.json file is the config file for prover dry run service, modify the connection strings to the server and the MongoDB instance.

HugePages Configuration

It is required to set the hugepages on the host machine to the correct value. This is done by setting the vm.nr_hugepages kernel parameter.

Use grep Huge /proc/meminfo to check currently huge page settings. HugePages_Total must be more than 15000 to support one prover node.

For a machine running a single prover node, the value should be set to 15000. This is done with the following command.

sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=15000

Make sure you use grep Huge /proc/meminfo to check it is changed and then start docker containers.

Please note the above will only set the current running system huge pages. It will be reset after the machine restarted. If you want to keep it after restarting, add the following entry to the /etc/sysctl.conf file:


Memory Requirements

We support new continuation feature from this version. The minimum requirement of the available to run prover is 58 GB after with HugePages_Total 15000, which is about 88 GB.

GPU Configuration

If you need to specify GPUs, you can do so in the docker-compose.yml file. The device_ids field is where you can specify the GPU's to use.

The starting command for the container will use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 to specify the GPU to use.

You may also change the device_ids field in the docker-compose.yml file to specify the GPU's to use. Note that in the container the GPU indexing starts at 0.

Also ensure the command field in docker-compose.yml is modified for CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to match the GPU you would like to use.

MongoDB Configuration

MongoDB will work "out-of-the-box", however, if you need to do something specific, please refer the following section.

Default Settings/Config

For most use cases, the default options should be sufficient.

The mongodb instance will run on port 27017 and the data will be stored in the ./mongo directory.

Network mode is set to host to allow the prover node to connect to the mongodb instance via localhost, however if you prefer the port mapping method, you can change the port in the docker-compose.yml file.

If you are unsure about modifying or customizing changes, refer to the section below.

Customising the MongoDB docker container

View customization details #### The `mongo` docker image For our `mongo` DB docker instance we are using the official docker image provided by `mongo` on their docker hub page, [here](, `mongo:latest`. They link to the `Dockerfile` they used to build the image, at the time of writing, [this]( was the latest. It's to have a glance at this if you want to customise our setup. The most essential thing to note is the **volumes,** which are `/data/db` and `/data/configdb`; any files you wish to mount should be mapped into these directories. Another critical piece of info is the **exposed port**, which is `27017`; this is the default port for `mongod`, if you want to change the port you have to bind it to another port in the `docker-compose.yml` file. #### The `mongo` daemon config file Even though we use a pre-build `mongo` image, this doesn't limit our customisability, because we are still able to pass command line arguments into the image via the `docker-compose` file. The most flexible way of customisation is by specifying a `mongod.conf` file and passing it to `mongod` via `--config` argument, this is what we have done to set the db path. The full list of customisation options are available [here.]( #### The docker compose config file ##### DB Storage to note is that our db storage is mounted locally under `./mongo` directory. The path is specified in the `mongod.conf` and the mount point is specified in `docker-compose.yml`. If you want to change the where the storage is located on the host machine, you only need to change the mount bind, for example to change the storage path to `/home/user/anotherdb`. ```yaml services: mongodb: volumes: - /home/user/anotherdb:/data/db ``` ##### DB Port We don't set the **PORT** in the config file, rather, **the PORT is set in `docker-compose.yml`**; simply change the bindings, so your specific port is mapped to the port used by `mongo` image, e.g. changing port to `8099` is done like so: ```yaml services: mongodb: ports: - "8099:27017" ``` If using host network mode, the port mapping will be ignored, and the port will be the default `27017`. Specify the port by adding `--port ` to the `command` field in the `docker-compose.yml` file for the mongodb service. **Important** If you change the DB Port under network_mode: host, you must also update the healthcheck to use the correct port. ```yaml services: mongodb: command: --config /data/configdb/mongod.conf --port 8099 healthcheck: test: echo 'db.runCommand("ping").ok' | mongosh localhost:8099/test --quiet ``` ##### Logging and log rotation `mongo`'s logging feature is very basic and doesn't have the ability to clean up old logs, so instead we use dockers logging feature. Docker logs all of standard output of a container into the folder `/var/lib/docker/containers//`. Log rotation is enabled for both containers. Let's walk through the specified configuration parameters: - `driver: "json-file"`: Specifies the logging driver. The json-file driver is the default and logs container output in JSON format. - `max-size: "10m"`: Sets the maximum size of each log file to 10 megabytes. When this is exceeded the log is rotated. - `max-file: "5"`: Specifies the maximum number of log files to keep. When the maximum number is reached, the oldest log file is deleted. More details can be found [here]( ##### Network mode Finally, we use `host` `network_mode`, this is because our server code refers to `mongo` DB via its local IP, i.e. localhost; if we want to switch to docker network mode then the code would need to be updated to use the public IP which would just be the host's public IP.

Quick Start

We require our Params FTP Server to be running before starting the prover node. The prover node must copy the parameters from the FTP server to it's own volume to operate correctly.

Params FTP Server

Start the FTP server with docker compose -f ftp-docker-compose.yml up.

The default port is 21 and the default user is ftpuser with password ftppassword. The ports used for file transfer are 30000-30009.

Prover Node

Make sure you had built the image via bash

Make sure you had reviewed the Prover Node Configuration part and changed the config files.

Once the Params FTP server is running, you can start the prover node.

Start all services at once with the command docker compose up. However it may clog up the terminal window as they all run in the same terminal so you may run some services in detached mode. For example, use tmux to run it.

docker compose up will run the base services in order of mongodb, dry-run-service, prover-node service.

Multiple Prover Nodes

Multiple Nodes on the same machine

Details To run multiple prover nodes on the same machine, it is recommended to clone the repository and modify the required files. - `docker-compose.yml` - `prover-node-config.json` - `dry_run_config.json` There are a few things to consider when running multiple nodes on the same machine. - GPU - MongoDB instance - Config file information - Docker volume and container names #### GPU Ensure the GPU's are specified in the `docker-compose.yml` file for each node. It is crucial that each GPU is only used ONCE otherwise you may encounter out of memory errors. We recommend to set the `device_ids` field where you can specify the GPU to use in each `docker-compose.yml` file. As mentioned, use `nvidia-smi` to check the GPU index and ensure the `device_ids` field is set correctly and uniquely. #### MongoDB instance Ensure the MongoDB instance is unique for each node. This is done by modifying the `docker-compose.yml` file for each node. - Modify the `mongodb`services - `container_name` field to a unique value such as `zkwasm-mongodb-2` etc. - Set the correct port to bind to the host machine. Please refer to the MongoDB configuration section for more information. - If using host network mode, the port is not required to be specified under services, but may be specified as part of the command field e.g `--port 8099`. - If supplying a custom port with `network_mode: host`, ensure the port is unique for each node. Ensure the healthcheck is updated to use the correct port. ```yaml command: --config /data/configdb/mongod.conf --port XXXX healthcheck: test: echo 'db.runCommand("ping").ok' | mongosh localhost:XXXX/test --quiet ``` Ensure the `dry_run_config.json` file is updated with the correct MongoDB URI for each node. #### Config file information Ensure the `prover-config.json` file is updated with the correct server URL and private key for each node. Private key should be UNIQUE for each node. Ensure the `dry_run_config.json` file is updated with the correct server URL and MongoDB URI for each node. #### HugePages Configuration (No need in current version) Running multiple nodes requires HugePages to be expanded to accommodate the memory requirements of each node. Each prover-node requires roughly 15000 hugepages, so ensure the `vm.nr_hugepages` is set to the correct value on the **HOST MACHINE**. `sudo sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=30000` for two nodes, `45000` for three nodes, etc. Each prover docker need 95GB memory to run. #### Docker volume and container names Ensure the docker volumes are unique for each node. This is done by modifying the `docker-compose.yml` file for each node. The simplest method is to start the containers with a different project name from other directories/containers. `docker compose -p up`, This should start the services in order of mongodb, dry-run-service, prover-node Where `node` is the custom name of the services you would like to start i.e `node-2`. This is important to separate the containers and volumes from each other.


If you need to follow the logs/output of a specific container,

First navigate to the corresponding directory with the docker-compose.yml file.

Then run docker logs -f <service-name>

Where service-name is the name of the SERVICE named in t he docker compose file (mongodb, prover-node etc.)

If you need to check the static logs of the prover-dry-run-service, then please navigate to the corresponding logs volume and view from there.

By default, you can run the following command to list the log files stored and then select one to view the contents.

sudo ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/prover-node-docker_dry-run-logs-volume/_data -lh

You can find the latest dry run log file and check the content by : sudo vim /var/lib/docker/volumes/prover-node-docker_dry-run-logs-volume/_data/[filename.log]

For prover service log, you can check: (default name configuration)

sudo ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/prover-node-docker_prover-logs-volume/_data -lh
sudo vim /var/lib/docker/volumes/prover-node-docker_prover-logs-volume/[filename.log]

Upgrading Prover Node

Upgrading the prover node requires rebuilding the docker image with the new prover node binary, and clearing previously stored data.

Stop all containers with docker compose down.

Manually stop the containers with docker container ls and then docker stop <container-name-or-id>.

Check docker container status by docker ps -a.

Prune the containers with docker container prune. Please note this will remove all docker containers, so if you have your own container not related to prover docker, need manually remove container.

Now as we introduce new continuation feature, the prover docker need 58 GB memory to run besides the 15000 huge pages. So totally the machine may need 88 GB memory minimum.

Pull Latest Changes

Pull the latest changes from the repository with git pull.

You may need to stash changes if you have modified the docker-compose.yml file and apply them again.

Similarly, if prover_config.json or dry_run_config.json have been modified, ensure the changes are applied again.

Delete Volume

Find the correct volume you would like to delete with docker volume ls.

Delete the prover-node workspace volume with docker volume rm <volume_name>. By default volume_name is "prover-node-docker_workspace-volume". So by default do docker volume rm prover-node-docker_workspace-volume.

Rebuild Docker Image

Remove the old docker image with docker image ls to check the image name and then docker image rm zkwasm:latest

Rebuild the docker image with bash

Then follow the Quick Start steps to start.

docker compose -f ftp-docker-compose.yml up

docker compose up

Common issues

  1. If you find the docker compose up failed, please do docker volume rm prover-node-docker_workspace-volume again and then try docker compose up again. If it still failed, please check the logs following Logs section

  2. If prover running failed by "memory allocation of xxxx failed" but you had checked and confirmed the avaliable memory is large enough, you can stop the services by docker compose down and do docker volume rm prover-node-docker_workspace-volume and then start the services by docker compose up to see whether it fix the issue or not.

  3. If prover running failed by something related to "Cuda Error", which indicate the docker cannot find cuda or nvidia device, you can try to check /etc/docker/daemon.json whether it is correctly set the nvidia runtime. It can be reset by:\ sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime=docker --set-as-default\ sudo systemctl restart docker (Ubuntu)\ and see whether it fix the issue or not.

  4. If prover running failed by some request "Timeout" reason, it maybe some network issue so just try to stop and start docker container again. docker compose down and docker compose up