Delta456 / box-cli-maker

Make Highly Customized Boxes for CLI
MIT License
533 stars 23 forks source link
bash box cli collaborate color console emoji go golang shell tabs terminal tui unicode


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Usage Tutorial

In main.go

package main

import ""

func main() {
 Box := box.New(box.Config{Px: 2, Py: 5, Type: "Single", Color: "Cyan"})
 Box.Print("Box CLI Maker", "Highly Customized Terminal Box Maker")

box.New(config Config) takes Box Config and returns a Box from the given Config.

Box Methods

Box.Print(title, lines string) prints Box from the specified arguments.

Box.Println(title, lines string) prints Box in a newline from the specified arguments.

Box.String(title, lines string) string returns string representation of Box.

Box Types








Title Positions




Custom Box

A Custom Box can be created by using the built-in Box struct provided by the module.

type Box struct {
  TopRight    string // TopRight Corner Symbols
  TopLeft     string // TopLeft Corner Symbols
  Vertical    string // Vertical Bar Symbols
  BottomRight string // BottomRight Corner Symbols
  BottomLeft  string // BottomLeft Corner Symbols
  Horizontal  string // Horizontal Bar Symbols
  Config             // Box Config


In main.go:

package main

import ""

func main() {
    config := box.Config{Px: 2, Py: 3, Type: "", TitlePos: "Inside"}
    boxNew := box.Box{TopRight: "*", TopLeft: "*", BottomRight: "*", BottomLeft: "*", Horizontal: "-", Vertical: "|", Config: config}
    boxNew.Println("Box CLI Maker", "Make Highly Customized Terminal Boxes")


More examples can be found in the examples/ folder which you can explore yourself. Feel free to add more examples and submit a pr for the same.

Color Types

The gookit/color module provides support for colors in your program. It uses two main types: FgColor and FgHiColor. These types correspond to different color settings.Color is a key for the following maps:

 fgColors map[string]color.Color = {
  "Black":   color.FgBlack,
  "Blue":    color.FgBlue,
  "Red":     color.FgRed,
  "Green":   color.FgGreen,
  "Yellow":  color.FgYellow,
  "Cyan":    color.FgCyan,
  "Magenta": color.FgMagenta,
  "White":   color.FgWhite,

 fgHiColors map[string]color.Color = {
  "HiBlack":   color.FgDarkGray,
  "HiBlue":    color.FgLightBlue,
  "HiRed":     color.FgLightRed,
  "HiGreen":   color.FgLightGreen,
  "HiYellow":  color.FgLightYellow,
  "HiCyan":    color.FgLightCyan,
  "HiMagenta": color.FgLightMagenta,
  "HiWhite":   color.FgLightWhite,

There are two maps, fgColors and fgHiColors, which map color names to their respective settings. Here are some examples:

If you want to use high-intensity colors, make sure the color name starts with "Hi." If the color option is empty or invalid, no color will be applied.

You can also use True Colors by providing them as either a uint or [3]uint. For [3]uint, all elements must be in the range of [0, 0xFF], and for uint, it should be in the range of [0x000000, 0xFFFFFF].

If your terminal doesn't support True Colors, the module will automatically round the colors to match the terminal's maximum supported colors. This simplifies things for most users.

If you're curious about supported terminals, you can check the list of 24-bit supported terminals and 8-bit supported terminals.

Additionally, this module enables True Color and 256 Colors support on Windows Console through Virtual Terminal Processing. However, for 256 colors, you need at least Windows 10 Version 1511, and for True Color support, you need at least Windows 10 Version 1607.

Finally, if you're using Windows, the module can detect ConEmu or ANSICON if they're installed. To ensure the best experience, it's recommended to use the latest versions of both programs.

Content Wrapping

This library allows the usage of custom wrapping of Content so that the Box formed will be created according to your own needs.

To use this feature, you need to do two things:

  1. Set Config.AllowWrapping to true. This tells the library to allow custom wrapping.

  2. Optionally, you can set your own wrapping limit using Config.WrappingLimit. By default, the wrapping limit is set to 2/3 of the current terminal's width (TermWidth).

So, in simple terms, if you want to customize how content is wrapped in boxes, make sure to enable wrapping with Config.AllowWrapping, and if needed, you can adjust the wrapping limit using Config.WrappingLimit, which is initially set to 2/3 of the terminal's width.


1. Vertical Alignment

As different terminals have different fonts by default, the right vertical alignment may not be aligned well. You will have to change your font accordingly to make it work.

2. Limitations of Unicode and Emoji

Unicode is a character encoding standard that assigns unique codes to characters from various writing systems, allowing universal text representation.

This library relies on mattn/go-runewidth to support Unicode and Emoji characters but consider the following:

  1. Proper rendering of Unicode and Emojis on Windows is primarily supported by Windows Terminal, ConEmu, and Mintty as terminal emulators. They handle these characters well.

  2. Indic text (a script used in some Indian languages) may not display correctly in most terminals. It's important to note that support for Indic text is quite limited.

  3. Avoid using this library in certain environments like online code playgrounds such as Go Playground,, and in Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. These platforms typically use fonts that only support basic ASCII characters, making it problematic to accurately calculate character lengths when the font changes dynamically.

  4. Depending on your font settings, you may need to make adjustments to ensure proper rendering of Unicode and Emoji characters. Failure to do so could result in issues with vertical alignment.

In essence, while this library supports Unicode and Emojis, there are limitations and considerations to keep in mind, especially when dealing with different terminal environments and character sets.

3. Terminal Color Detection

For beginners, this library can adjust True Color to work with your terminal's capabilities, either 8-bit or 4-bit color.

Detecting your terminal's color capacity isn't always straightforward, and there's no universal method. However, if you know a solution for your specific terminal, you can contribute by making a pull request.

For Unix systems:

Keep in mind that very old terminals like Windows Console (Legacy Mode) or terminals with TERM set to DUMB might not show color effects, and the module may output unexpected results or warnings.

It's generally not recommended to use this library with color effects in Online Playgrounds, CI/CD environments, Browsers, and similar platforms since color support varies, and detection is challenging. If you encounter issues, you can open an issue and suggest a solution!

4. Tabs

This library supports the usage of tabs but their use should be limited.

Projects using Box CLI Maker


I thank the following people and their packages whom I have studied and was able to port to Go accordingly.

Also special thanks to @elimsteve who helped me to optimize the code and told me the best possible ways to fix my problems, @JalonSolov for tab lines support and Kunal Raghav for making the library's logo.

Kudos to moul/golang-repo-template for their Go template.


Licensed under MIT