Welcome To UCI! Want a place to showcase your game? This is it.
This project's purpose is to be a hub where you can add your own game made with UNITY and share it with others on Github
Live Website Link: UCI Active Site Link
We would like to acknowledge and thank you very much!
Arad05 π |
WDmaster235 π π» |
Delta7Actual π» π¨ |
Umar Farouk π» |
Make sure you have Git installed on your machine (Install it HERE)
Clone your forked repository to your local machine. In your GitHub account, navigate to your forked repository and click the "Code" button. Copy the URL.
Open your terminal and run the following command, replacing "url you just copied"
with the URL you copied:
git clone "URL you just copied"
For example:
git clone git@github.com:this-is-you/Unity-Crafted-Indies.git
If you're not already in the repository directory, navigate to it by typing:
cd Unity-Crafted-Indies
Now, create a new branch in your repository to implement your changes by typing:
git switch -c add-your-name
Replace "add-your-name" with a branch name that describes your contribution.