DeltaBG / ansible-role-bareos

Role for installing and managing BareOS director, storages and client
MIT License
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Role for installing and managing BareOS director, storages and client.


This role requires you to have Apache and PostgreSQL (>=12.10) preinstalled on the director host. Installation and configuration of these pacakges is not subject of this role. Also, the hostgroup in your inventory file which contains the director should be named bareos_director.

Role variables

All role variables are documented in role defaults or are self-explanatory.

Example playbooks

Configuring all components all at once (site.yml)

- hosts: all
    - deltabg.bareos

Running the playbook: ansible-playbook -i inventory_file.ini site.yml

Adding a new client (site.yml)

- hosts: all
    - deltabg.bareos

Running the playbook: ansible-playbook -i inventory_file.ini site.yml -t bareos-add-client --limit=<bareos_client>

Removing a client (remove-client.yml)

- name: Remove a bareos client configuration and backups
  hosts: bareos_director
    - name: reload bareos-dir
      shell: "echo reload | bconsole"
      delegate_to: "{{ groups.bareos_director[0] }}"
    - name: Remove client configuration
        path: "{{ bareos_config_dir }}/bareos-dir.d/client/{{ bareos_remove_client }}.conf"
        state: absent
      notify: reload bareos-dir
    - name: Remove console configuration
        path: "{{ bareos_config_dir }}/bareos-dir.d/console/{{ bareos_remove_client }}.conf"
        state: absent
      notify: reload bareos-dir
    - name: Remove job configuration
        path: "{{ bareos_config_dir }}/bareos-dir.d/job/{{ bareos_remove_client }}.conf"
        state: absent
      notify: reload bareos-dir
    - name: Remove profile configuration
        path: "{{ bareos_config_dir }}/bareos-dir.d/profile/{{ bareos_remove_client }}.conf"
        state: absent
      notify: reload bareos-dir
    - name: Remove volumes
      shell: "for volume in $(echo list media | bconsole | grep {{ bareos_remove_client }} | awk '{print $4}' | grep -ve '^$'); do echo delete volume=$volume yes | bconsole; done"
    - name: Remove pools
      shell: "echo delete pool={{ bareos_remove_client }} yes | bconsole"

- hosts: bareos_storages
    - name: Physically remove pools from remote storage
      shell: "rm -f {{ bareos_storage_bareos_archive_device }}/{{ bareos_remove_client }}*"

Running the playbook: ansible-playbook -i inventory_file.ini remove-client.yml -e 'bareos_remove_client=<client_from_inventory_to_remove>'

Note: you will need to remove the client configuration from your inventory file and host_vars afterwards.

Adding a new remote storage (site.yml)

- hosts: all
    - deltabg.bareos

Running the playbook: ansible-playbook -i inventory_file.ini site.yml -t bareos-add-client --limit=<bareos_storage_server>,bareos_director

Reconfiguring the director in case of new configuration (site.yml)

- hosts: all
    - deltabg.bareos

Running the playbook: ansible-playbook -i inventory_file.ini site.yml -t bareos-director-reconfigure --limit=bareos_director


See LICENSE for more information.


Valentin Dzhorov