DeltaO3 / UWAttend---3200_27

Repository for CITS3200 group 27
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Repository for CITS3200 group 27


Requires python3 and pip Make sure you are in the uppermost UWAttend directory. Create a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv

Activate the environment:

source venv/bin/activate

Install the requirements via pip:

pip install flask

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set the secret key:

setx SECRET_KEY 'insert_secret_key_here'
export SECRET_KEY='secret_string'

Note: variable name must be SECRET_KEY, but the value can be any string (a random and long key is best for security).

Create/update database :

flask db upgrade

Run the flask app :

flask run

or, to run in debug mode (allowing reload of page to display changed code)

flask run --debug

It should run on port 5000 by default

Change port with

flask run -p port_number

Modifying database schema

If you have modified the database schema and want to update the database:

flask db migrate -m "migration message"

Note: The migration script needs to be reviewed and edited, as Alembic is not always able to detect every change you make to your models.

flask db upgrade

To sync the changes in another system, refresh migrations folder (so that the new migration is there), then apply changes:

flask db upgrade

To revert changes:

flask db downgrade

Initialising admin user

Create a .env file in the project root, populated with the required values.

In the root of the directory, run:

python -m app.createadmin

And the admin account should be added to the database.


Currently the only functionality of is to read and print out a csv file. This will change once database has been configured and frontend is developed.

To test functionality, be on the project root and run:

python -m app.utilities

Initialising test data

With an empty db file (delete app.db, create fresh file with flask db upgrade), run:

python -m app.testdb