DemocracyEarth / ubi

Universal Basic Income token.
225 stars 38 forks source link
income token ubi universal-basic-income

Universal Basic Income.

UBI Coin

A standard for Universal Basic Income tokens.

Built in collaboration with Kleros and the Proof of Humanity project.

Build Status Coverage Status


Built with Hardhat.

Latest release is version 0.2.0


  1. Clone Repository

    $ git clone
    $ cd ubi
  2. Install Dependencies

    $ npm install
  3. Run Tests

    $ npx hardhat test

    To compute their code coverage run npx hardhat coverage.


  1. On hardhat.config.js configure the following constants for the kovan testnet:

  2. Deploy on Ethereum kovan testnet:

    $ npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network kovan
  3. Interact with the console:

    $ npx hardhat console --network kovan

    Initalize the token with:

     const UBI = await ethers.getContractFactory("UBI")
     const ubi = await UBI.attach('0x703960D03533B1D34fF4996DC6604f0Bc74ED198') // Replace with your token address


  1. Deploy new contract in a fresh address:

    $ npx hardhat run scripts/prepare.js --network kovan
  2. Upgrade the proxy contract with the freshly deployed address:

    $ npx hardhat run scripts/upgrade.js --network kovan


  1. On hardhat.config.js configure your Etherscan API key:

  2. Verify the contract by running:

    $ npx hardhat verify --network kovan <ADDRESS>


These contracts are free, open source and censorship resistant. Support us via Open Collective.


This software is under an MIT License. This is a free software built by Democracy Earth Foundation between 2020 and 2021. Democracy Earth Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 not for profit corporation from San Francisco, California with no political affiliations.