Dennis-Krasnov / Flutter-Deep-Link-Navigation

Elegant abstraction for complete deep linking navigation in Flutter
MIT License
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Flutter Deep Link Navigation package Github stars Open source license Awesome Flutter

Provides an elegant abstraction for complete deep linking navigation in Flutter.

This package only provides deep linking for internal navigation. Any external platform-level deep linking solution can optionally be used in conjuction with this package.

The target audience of the documentation is experienced Flutter developers.


There's nothing wrong with not using deep links for internal navigation.

Partially implementing deep links would either have limited benefits or be extremely complicated (not to mention confusing).

Hence why if you decide to use deep links, it makes sense to exclusively use deep links.

If you try to implement complete deep linking yourself here's some of the issues you'll run into:


I separated the navigation system from Diet Driven (shameless plug, please hire me) into its own package and published it.

This package provides a solution for all the aforementioned difficulties.


Single base route

This example demonstrates:

Multiple base routes

This example demonstrates:


Deep links

DeepLink is base unit of routes, a deep link is mapped to a Widget by a Dispatcher.

Deep links may be reused in different levels of the navigation hierarchy.

A route is the full location of a page, represented by List<DeepLink>.

path is the string representation of the route aka route.join("/").


class LibraryDL extends DeepLink {
    LibraryDL() : super("library");


Deep links can also store data, value dispatchers are strongly typed.

class SongDL extends ValueDeepLink<Song> {
    SongDL(Song song) : super("song", song);

class SongDL extends ValueDeepLink<Song> {
    // Override toString
    SongDL(Song song) : super("song", song, toString: (song) =>;

Mixin for sake of inheritence

This could also be achieved by implementing an abstract class.

See use in Child builder section.

mixin FullScreen on DeepLink {}

class LoginDL extends DeepLink with FullScreen {
    LoginDL() : super("login");

Mixin with logic

mixin Authenticated on DeepLink {
    void onDispatch(BuildContext context) {
        // Get state from context or global/static variable
        final isAuthenticated = Provider.of<AuthenticationService>(context, listen: false).authenticated;

        // Throw custom exception
        if (!isAuthenticated) {
            throw Unauthenticated();

// ...

navigation: (context) => Dispatcher()
    // Unauthenticated login page
    ..exception<Unauthenticated>((exception, route) => [LoginDL()])
    ..path<LoginDL>((route) => LoginPage()),


Use DeepLinkMaterialApp instead of using Flutter's MaterialApp.

This replaces native navigation options with their deep link counterparts.

At most one deep link of a type can exist on a dispatcher.

Deep link material app

    navigation: (context) => Dispatcher() // see next section ...
    defaultRoute: [LibraryDL()], // if ommited, the splash screen is shown until explicit navigation
    splashScreen: SplashPage(),
    childBuilder: // see child builder section ...

    // Non-navigation related fields are still available
    themeMode: ThemeMode.light,
    // ...

Path dispatcher

..path<LoginDL>((route) => LoginPage()),

Value dispatcher

..value<Song, SongDL>((song, route) => SongPage(song: song)),

Sub navigation

    (route) => LibraryPage(),
    subNavigation: Dispatcher() // ...

..value<Song, SongDL>(
    (song, route) => SongPage(song: song),
    subNavigation: (song) => Dispatcher() // song may be used from this point onward

Exception mapping

Exceptions that are thrown while running through the navigation hierarchy are mapped to routes.

..exception<RouteNotFound> MUST be defined on the base-level dispatcher.

If multiple mappings of the same type are found thoughout the hierarchy, the deep-most mapping is used.

..exception<RouteNotFound>((exception, route) => [ErrorDL<RouteNotFound>(exception)])

Child builder

The widget specified in childBuilder is rebuilt when the route in deepLinkNavigator changes.

/// [DeepLink]s associated with the bottom navigation.
final bottomNavigationDeepLinks = [LibraryDL(), FavoritesDL(), UserDL()];

/// Current index of bottom navigation based on [currentRoute].
int currentIndex(List<DeepLink> currentRoute) {
    final index = bottomNavigationDeepLinks.indexOf(currentRoute?.first);
    return index != -1 ? index : 0;

/// ...

childBuilder: (BuildContext context, DeepLinkNavigator deepLinkNavigator, Widget child) => Scaffold(
    body: child,
    // Don't show bottom navigation while [currentRoute] is null, or any deep list is [FullScreen]
    bottomNavigationBar: deepLinkNavigator.currentRoute?.any((dl) => dl is FullScreen) ?? true ? null : BottomNavigationBar(
        currentIndex: currentIndex(deepLinkNavigator.currentRoute),
        onTap: (int index) => deepLinkNavigator.navigateTo([bottomNavigationDeepLinks[index]]),
        items: [
            BottomNavigationBarItem(title: Text("Library"), icon: Icon(Icons.queue_music)),
            BottomNavigationBarItem(title: Text("Favorites"), icon: Icon(Icons.favorite)),
            BottomNavigationBarItem(title: Text("User"), icon: Icon(Icons.person)),

In-app navigation

DeepLinkNavigator mirrors Navigator's interface as much as possible (including push and pop futures).

All methods internally orchestrate a native flutter navigator.

Push a deep link

await DeepLinkNavigator.of(context).push(ArtistDL(...));

Pop a value


// or


Navigate to specific route


Return to default route (if any)


TODO: Throw exception to be caught by mapper

// TODO DeepLinkNavigator.of(context).throw(Exception(...));

TODO: Access deep link navigator from anywhere

// TODO DeepLinkNavigator()...

TODO: Page transitions

// await DeepLinkNavigator.of(context).push(
//   ArtistDL(...),
//   transition: ...,
//   duration: ...,
// );

// Possibly:
// await DeepLinkNavigator.of(context).fadeIn(...);

Platform deep links

// TODO: serialize List<DeepLink>


What's left to do

[ ] Custom/predefined page transitions

[ ] Access deep link navigator from anywhere using static method and factory pattern

[ ] Assert RouteNotFound dispatcher exists by running through navigation tree

[ ] Unit test deep link navigator logic

[ ] Cupertino and Widget apps

[ ] Explicit exception throwing

[ ] Platform deep links example + documentation

[ ] Route changed callback for analytics, etc