DennisKgaming / FS22_DAF_105XF

Convert from FS19 to FS22 DAF XF 105
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Convert from FS19 to FS22 DAF XF 105

This DAF is in store availlable as a semi truck and a baler truck with several options.

Download the latest version on my mediafire.

When the mod is no longer in development mode it will be submitted to my Trello page

Options for the truck


Coming soon!!

Future requests

Developer version

Currently the mod is in a developer version so could still contain bugs and other issues. We support people to use this mod and test it for us because user experience is the most important part.

At this moment the mod is on version and has several open issues, To see all issues check GitHub issues

If you decide to use the mod while it is in developer mode and you notice issues, bugs, things that are not correct, check the issues page. When it is not in the list it would be nice if you would create a new issue. When creating a new issue be as specific as possible:

We will try to solve the issue as soon as possible but since we are doing this in our spare time we can not give an estimate.

Change log

Comming soon


We work long, hard, in our own free time at developing and improving our mods. If you like the mods, we would appreciate you support:


Keep in mind. Donations are never required to use any of the mods.