DependableSystemsLab / TensorFI2

TensorFI 2 is a fault injection framework for injecting both hardware and software faults into applications written using the TensorFlow 2 framework.
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error-resilience fault-injection machine-learning tensorflow tensorflow2

TensorFI 2: A fault injector for TensorFlow 2 applications

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By far the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that
people conclude too early that they understand it.
-- Eliezer Yudkowsky

Welcome to TensorFI 2's GitHub page!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Dependencies
  3. Architecture
  4. Installation
  5. Configuration
  6. Usage
  7. Contributing


TensorFI 2 is a fault injector for TensorFlow 2 applications written in Python 3. We make use of the Keras Model APIs to inject static faults in the layer states and dynamic faults in the layer outputs. Similar to TensorFI 1, TensorFI 2 supports both hardware and software faults with different injection modes. The fault injector is easily configurable with YAML.


  1. TensorFlow framework (v2.0 or greater)

  2. Python (v3 or greater)

  3. PyYaml (v3 or greater)

  4. Keras framework (part of TensorFlow)

  5. numpy package (part of TensorFlow)


ML models are made up of input data, weight matrices that are learned during training, and activation matrices that are computed from the weights and data. While TensorFI 1 targeted only the activation matrices for fault injection, TensorFI 2 is capable of injecting faults into both the weight and activation matrices. These are the two injection targets respectively.

  1. Injection into the layer states that hold the learned weights and biases is static and can be done before the inference runs. The methodology is further explained in experiments/layer-states along with the relevant experiments.

  2. Injection into the layer outputs that hold the activations or computations is dynamic and is done during the inference runs. The methodology is further explained in experiments/layer-outputs along with the relevant experiments.

Both types of injection support single and multiple faults along with three types of faults - zeros, random value replacements and bit-flips.


Installation has just two steps - downloading the source and adding it to PATH.

  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone
  2. Set the python path for the TensorFI 2 project so that it can be executed from other scripts. You can also add it permanently to .bashrc if you prefer.


    where $TFI2HOMEPATH might be like /home/nj/TensorFI2


Let's see an example of how to inject a bit-flip into a layer state in the model. Go to experiments/layer-states and set the sample.yaml file in experiments/layer-states/confFiles with the following configuration:

Target: layer_states
Mode: single
Type: bitflips
Amount: 1
Bit: N

This means that a single bit (chosen randomly as N is specified for Bit) will be flipped in the state tensor (as Target specified is layer_states) of one randomly chosen layer (as injection Mode specified is single) in the model.

When running from the examples in this directory, this is the YAML file that gets picked up by the injector.

For further understanding of what each label and values mean, navigate to conf/ and check out how to set the fault injection configuration for the tests or experiments you plan to run.


Run the test to observe the fault injection. For example, let's say we run the simple neural network example:

python confFiles/sample.yaml result/ 1 10

result/ is the directory where you want to store the output of the run. 1 is the number of fault injections you want to run and 10 is the number of test inputs to evaluate each of the fault injection runs.

To use TensorFI 2 in a generic ML model (that is not in experiments), just add two lines of code to the model.

  1. At the top, import tensorfi2 from src.

    from src import tensorfi2 as tfi
  2. After model definition and training, insert the call to TensorFI 2's inject function during inference runs.

    tfi.inject(model=model, confFile=confFiles/sample.yaml)

model is the defined Keras model and confFile argument requires the YAML configuration file that contains injection instructions.

The above line of injection code is for injection into the layer states with the particular configuration listed previously. Refer the READMEs in conf, experiments and case-studies directories for further usage and experiments with the tool.


We encourage all relevant contributions - in the form of ideas, issues, bug fixes, code and documentation. Thank you for trying out and/or contributing to our tool. Refer the contributing guidelines for more information.