DeplanckeLab / dgrpool_web

DGRPool is a web application designed to serve as a comprehensive repository for Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP) phenotyping datasets.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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DGRPool - Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel Phenotyping Web Application


DGRPool is a web application designed to serve as a comprehensive repository for Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP) phenotyping datasets. It not only provides a centralized hub for accessing existing literature on DGRP phenotyping data but also offers tools for conducting basic systems genetics-inspired analyses. The primary aim of DGRPool is to make DGRP phenotyping data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) to facilitate research in the field of Drosophila genetics.


Dataset Repository

Users can explore the repository by searching for keywords or browsing through curated categories such as "ageing", "metabolism", or "olfactory". Each study is meticulously curated to ensure data accuracy and relevance.

Community Curated

DGRPool encourages community participation by allowing users to become curators. If you are interested in becoming a curator, please e-mail us at Curators help maintain the platform by formatting and validating submitted datasets, ensuring the quality of the data.

Interactive Data Analysis

Users can perform various analyses including phenotype correlation and GWAS. Pre-calculated GWAS analyses are available for browsing, and users can also upload their own phenotypic data for analysis.

Proof-of-Concept Studies

DGRPool provides proof-of-concept studies to showcase its potential in facilitating biological discoveries. These studies highlight associations between phenotypes, providing valuable insights for further research.


DGRPool welcomes contributions from the community. Users interested in becoming curators or contributing to the development of the platform can reach out through the provided contact information on the website.


For inquiries or support, please contact the DGRPool team at


See LICENSE file

[DGRPool dev team] Development Server Setup

To set up the development server for DGRPool, follow these steps:

  1. Copy Files: DGRPool requires two folders:
    • $data: a data folder, containing GWAS results, GWAS scripts, and other data files. You can put this data folder anywhere on the system (e.g. /data/dgrpool)
    • $srv: a website folder, containing the code on this github page, which will be the anchor point of the Ruby-on-Rails app (e.g. /srv/dgrpool)

Then, you need to:

  1. Build Files: Run the following command

    docker-compose build
  2. Run the container: Run the following command

    docker-compose up
  3. Test the app: You need to wait for the database to load completely before you can use the website. I can take a while. Once it's done, a message will tell you "PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up".

Then the database will restart, and the website will be fully available at from a web browser.

Check that everything is working out. Then you can stop the Docker, and re-run it in the background.

   docker-compose down
   docker-compose up -d

This runs the Dockerized website in "detached" mode, so everything is handled by the Docker daemon (e.g. restarting in case of abnormal behaviour).