Derevi / breakfast-club-as1

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Directory structure

Style guide

single spaced
make sure your section is in order with table of contents
Use bold so google docs realizes it is a heading for sections
use ariel 11 point font for main paragraph text
use courier new 7 point font for citations
citations should be ordered in order of first appearance. even if the same source is cited later in the paper, it's numbering should follow it's first appearance in the document
citations neeed to be in IEEE format
in the text use [#] to cite sources
add to bibliography. if a new source is cited renumber and replace old citations
bibme website is recommended to make sure you don't mess up the citations style
use built in google doc styles

When in doubt refer to this manual

correction to style guidline

Use 12 point font, not 11 Change from Ariel to Times new Roman to save some space. Main title 24 point font headings 15 point font