DerianAndre / Smart-Watch-Winder

A free open-source Smart Watch Winder for ESP32 using WebScokets and Nuxt.js
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link
arduino esp32 nuxtjs websockets


A free open-source Smart Watch Winder for ESP32 using WebScokets and Nuxt.js


# Websocket server with express
$ cd Server

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Start the server
$ npm run start

# Frontend with Nuxt.js
$ cd Frontend

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev


ESP32 ESP32 Mini breadboard Watch winder box


Connect the ESP32 to the breadboard with the LN293D with the following connections:

Make sure the motos is connected right, it should spin Clockwise the first time you run the code.


Connections diagram

My box

My box


I recomend the use of a stepper motor for better control, in my case I used the DC motor inside the box as this is easier to manage and I couldn't disassemble the inside part that rotates.