DesiQuintans / tsv2label

tsv2label: Label, describe, rename, and recode datasets using a data dictionary
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Labelling datasets using a data dictionary, with tsv2label

Desi Quintans 2023-11-01


# CRAN coming soon

# Install from GitHub for up-to-date changes

library(tsv2label)  # Load it up!

If you’ve ever tried to find your way through a dataset with cryptic names and values, you’ve probably made a spreadsheet that had columns like: 1) variable name, 2) what it contains, 3) what its types are, especially if it looks like they are coding for something.

tsv2label lets you use such a spreadsheet to label, rename, and recode your dataset automatically; especially helpful if your dataset is hundreds of columns wide.

It uses tab-delimited spreadsheets which are editable in Excel; easy to assemble by copying and pasting from existing messy data dictionaries; can be cleaned and reshaped with regular expressions and multiple cursors; and can be tracked and diffed with version control software.

List of functions

tsv2label gives you four main functions:

Function Description
recode_with_dictionary(df, path) Convert variables to other data types
describe_with_dictionary(df, path) Add descriptions (labels) to variables
rename_with_dictionary(df, path) Rename variables
revert_colnames(df, path) Return variables to their original names

Order of operations

The order that these functions should be applied is:

  1. recode_with_dictionary()
  2. describe_with_dictionary()
  3. rename_with_dictionary()
  4. revert_colnames()

This is because when recode_with_dictionary() converts variables, any labels associated with them are lost. And when rename_with_dictionary() renames variables, recode_with_dictionary() and describe_with_dictionary() can no longer find and act on them.

Example: Describing the Poker Hands dataset

The raw data


tsv2label ships with a built-in dataset called poker, which is a subset of the Poker Hand dataset with some added columns:

## 1  1  1 10  1 11  1 13  1 12  1  1     9  Socks     FALSE  n, s, p            t           0    No
## 2  2  2 11  2 13  2 10  2 12  2  1     9   Fred     FALSE  z, x, k          YES          NA  <NA>
## 3  3  3 12  3 11  3 13  3 10  3  1     9 Fluffy      TRUE  x, b, v         <NA>           1    No
## 4  4  4 10  4 11  4  1  4 13  4 12     9   Nala      TRUE  k, f, g        apple           2    No
## 5  5  4  1  4 13  4 12  4 11  4 10     9   Cher      TRUE  j, q, h        FaLsE          -1   Yes
## 6  6  1  2  1  4  1  5  1  3  1  6     8   Lily      TRUE  g, f, a           No          NA  <NA>

There are many coded values here that need to be converted to other data types (for example, S1 should be “Clubs”, “Diamonds”, etc., and LOGICAL_CHAR should be recoded as TRUE and FALSE). The column names are cryptic, and the dataset has no variable labels which would aid in exploration, especially when using a label-aware exploration package like siftr.

Luckily, tsv2label ships with the data dictionary for this dataset, in both .ZIP and folder forms (tsv2label can read directly from both):

# system.file() looks inside tsv2label's installed location to see the files 
# that came with it. 

system.file("extdata", package = "tsv2label") |> list.files()
## [1] "poker"     ""

What does a dictionary look like?

A data dictionary is a directory or .ZIP file with no subfolders, which contains tab-delimited spreadsheets in either .TSV or .TXT format.

system.file("extdata/poker", package = "tsv2label") |> list.files()
## [1] "index.tsv"        "values_flip.tsv"  "values_hands.tsv" "values_ranks.tsv" "values_suits.tsv"

The Appendix below has the formal definition of a dictionary, but the easiest way to understand what should be in a dictionary is by looking at poker’s.

Index file

The central file is called index; it must always exist, and must be a tab-delimited file in .TSV or .TXT format.

system.file("extdata/poker/index.tsv", package = "tsv2label") |> read.delim()
##            name          rename                                     description  recode_with
## 1            ID      random_int                           Some random integers.             
## 2            S1         c1_suit                                 Suit of card #1 values_suits
## 3            C1         c1_rank                                 Rank of card #1 values_ranks
## 4            S2         c2_suit                                 Suit of card #2 values_suits
## 5            C2         c2_rank                                 Rank of card #2 values_ranks
## 6            S3         c3_suit                                 Suit of card #3 values_suits
## 7            C3         c3_rank                                 Rank of card #3 values_ranks
## 8            S4         c4_suit                                 Suit of card #4 values_suits
## 9            C4         c4_rank                                 Rank of card #4 values_ranks
## 10           S5         c5_suit                                 Suit of card #5 values_suits
## 11           C5         c5_rank                                 Rank of card #5 values_ranks
## 12        CLASS hand_from_cards                          Poker hand (cards 1-5) values_hands
## 13          CAT                                               Random cat names.             
## 14    COIN FLIP       coin_flip                          Outcome of a coinflip.  values_flip
## 15    not_exist                                          Column not in dataset.             
## 16 LOGICAL_CHAR                 Characters that are truthy, falsy, and neither.  <truefalse>
## 17  LOGICAL_INT                   Integers that are truthy, falsy, and neither. <noyes-lazy>
## 18        yesno                                     Yeses and Nos and Missings.  <truefalse>

It must have these four columns in any order (all other columns are ignored):

  1. name is the name of a column/variable in your dataset.
  2. rename is what to rename the column. Leave it blank if unneeded.
  3. description is a human-readable description of what the variable is about. Leave it blank if unneeded.
  4. recode_with is used to convert raw data into other data types, such as Logical and Factor. It accepts one of three things:
    1. Nothing (empty), which means that the column will not be recoded.
    2. The filename of a mapping spreadsheet in the same folder (with or without file extension) that describes how levels are mapped to labels, e.g. postal codes to suburb names.
    3. The name of a , which is a built-in way to handle common recoding operations. A list of accepted ones is given below.

As you can see, one mapping spreadsheet or converter can be applied to many columns.


Converters are built-in methods for the most common recoding operations. The package treats anything wrapped in as a converter. Currently accepted converters are:

Convert 1/0/yes/no/true/false values

These conversions ignore case. ‘Truthy’ values are {1, y, yes, t, true}. ‘Falsy’ values are {0, n, no, f, false}.

Mapping spreadsheets

The mapping spreadsheets control how a variable is going to be converted to a Factor type. mapping spreadsheet must be tab-delimited files in .TSV or .TXT format, just like the Index file is.

system.file("extdata/poker/values_suits.tsv", package = "tsv2label") |> read.delim()
##   levels   labels ordered
## 1      1   Hearts   FALSE
## 2      2   Spades      NA
## 3      3 Diamonds      NA
## 4      4    Clubs      NA

It must have these two columns in any order:

  1. levels contains the raw values in your dataset. It is used as the levels of the new factor.
  2. labels contains the label to apply to each level.

Another two columns are optional, and can be presented in any order:

  1. ordered controls whether this will be created as an ordered factor. An affirmative value (case-insensitive: true, t, yes, y, or 1) in any cell of this column will make it an ordered factor.
  2. exclude controls whether a level is excluded from the final factor (i.e. converted to NA). An affirmative value (case-insensitive: true, t, yes, y, or 1) in the same row as a level will exclude that level.

The columns are named after their matching arguments in factor():

## function (x = character(), levels, labels = levels, exclude = NA, ordered = is.ordered(x), 
##     nmax = NA)

Any other columns are ignored.

Reading a dictionary

tsv2label can read dictionaries from both folders and .ZIP files. The latter is convenient because it lets you distribute a dictionary as a single .ZIP file.

tsv2label functions have a path argument to tell them where the dictionary is:

# To read from a folder, use the path to the folder:
recode_with_dictionary(df = my_data, path = "C:/path/to/dictionary/folder")

# To read from a .ZIP, use the path to the .ZIP (it will unzip automatically):
recode_with_dictionary(df = my_data, path = "C:/path/to/")

For this example, let’s read the dictionary from the folder.

dictionary_dir <- system.file("extdata/poker", package = "tsv2label")
## [1] "C:/Users/dqui6184/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.3/tsv2label/extdata/poker"

If you were using your own data dictionary, then this would be a path to its location on your computer.

Step 1: Recode variables

Recoding always comes first in our order of operations.

recode_with_dictionary(df = poker, path = dictionary_dir)
##   (1/6)  Using '<noyes-lazy>' for LOGICAL_INT.

##   (2/6)  Using '<truefalse>' for LOGICAL_CHAR, yesno.

##   (3/6)  Using 'values_flip' for COIN FLIP.

##   (4/6)  Using 'values_hands' for CLASS.

##   (5/6)  Using 'values_ranks' for C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

##   (6/6)  Using 'values_suits' for S1, S2, S3, S4, S5.

##   Peeking at 'levels(poker[["LOGICAL_INT"]])', built from '<noyes-lazy>':

##   No, Yes

##   Peeking at 'unique(poker[["LOGICAL_CHAR"]])', built from '<truefalse>':


##   Peeking at 'levels(poker[["COIN FLIP"]])', built from 'values_flip':

##   Heads, Tails

##   Peeking at 'levels(poker[["CLASS"]])', built from 'values_hands':

##   Nothing in hand, One pair, Two pairs, Three of a kind, Straight, Flush, Full house, 
##   Four of a kind, Straight flush, Royal flush

##   Peeking at 'levels(poker[["C1"]])', built from 'values_ranks':

##   Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King

##   Peeking at 'levels(poker[["S1"]])', built from 'values_suits':

##   Hearts, Spades, Diamonds, Clubs

Note that we didn’t have to assign the result to a name; all tsv2label functions avoid expensive copying by modifying the dataframe in-place.

Any column that had a recode_with associated with it in index will be recoded:

##   ID       S1    C1       S2   C2       S3    C3       S4    C4       S5    C5          CLASS
## 1  1   Hearts    10   Hearts Jack   Hearts  King   Hearts Queen   Hearts   Ace    Royal flush
## 2  2   Spades  Jack   Spades King   Spades    10   Spades Queen   Spades   Ace    Royal flush
## 3  3 Diamonds Queen Diamonds Jack Diamonds  King Diamonds    10 Diamonds   Ace    Royal flush
## 4  4    Clubs    10    Clubs Jack    Clubs   Ace    Clubs  King    Clubs Queen    Royal flush
## 5  5    Clubs   Ace    Clubs King    Clubs Queen    Clubs  Jack    Clubs    10    Royal flush
## 6  6   Hearts     2   Hearts    4   Hearts     5   Hearts     3   Hearts     6 Straight flush
## 1  Socks     Tails  n, s, p         TRUE          No FALSE
## 2   Fred     Tails  z, x, k         TRUE        <NA>    NA
## 3 Fluffy     Heads  x, b, v           NA         Yes FALSE
## 4   Nala     Heads  k, f, g           NA          No FALSE
## 5   Cher     Heads  j, q, h        FALSE          No  TRUE
## 6   Lily     Heads  g, f, a        FALSE        <NA>    NA

In real-world conditions, the Factors that are generated may have unused factor levels. For example, imagine recoding a variable called country_of_residence using a mapping spreadsheet that has hundreds of countries, but everyone in your dataset resides in Australia so none of the other country levels are used at all. If you want to remove these unused levels, it’s an easy one-line operation:

poker <- droplevels(poker)

Step 2: Add labels/descriptions to variables

Adding variable labels comes next. These are used by many R packages to add extra functionality. For example, RStudio can display labels in View(), the gtsummary package uses the label attribute to name variables in its output tables where possible, and my siftr package allows you to search the labels (among all other text in each variable) to find the right variable in large datasets.

describe_with_dictionary(df = poker, path = dictionary_dir)
##   head() of 'label' attribute:

##   ID Some random integers. 
##   S1 Suit of card #1 
##   C1 Rank of card #1 
##   S2 Suit of card #2 
##   C2 Rank of card #2 
##   S3 Suit of card #3

All columns except LIST_COL (which was not in the dictionary) had a description in index, so all of them have a new "label" attribute:

Map(\(x) attr(x, "label"), poker)
## $ID
## [1] "Some random integers."
## $S1
## [1] "Suit of card #1"
## $C1
## [1] "Rank of card #1"
## $S2
## [1] "Suit of card #2"
## $C2
## [1] "Rank of card #2"
## $S3
## [1] "Suit of card #3"
## $C3
## [1] "Rank of card #3"
## $S4
## [1] "Suit of card #4"
## $C4
## [1] "Rank of card #4"
## $S5
## [1] "Suit of card #5"
## $C5
## [1] "Rank of card #5"
## [1] "Poker hand (cards 1-5)"
## $CAT
## [1] "Random cat names."
## [1] "Outcome of a coinflip."
## [1] "Characters that are truthy, falsy, and neither."
## [1] "Integers that are truthy, falsy, and neither."
## $yesno
## [1] "Yeses and Nos and Missings."

Step 3: Rename variables

Finally, we can rename the variables based on the rename column in index.

rename_with_dictionary(df = poker, path = dictionary_dir)
##   head(colnames(poker)):

##   random_int c1_suit c1_rank c2_suit c2_rank c3_suit

The CAT column did not have a rename associated with it in index, so it was not renamed. The LIST_COL column was not in the dictionary at all, so it is also unchanged.

##  [1] "random_int"      "c1_suit"         "c1_rank"         "c2_suit"         "c2_rank"        
##  [6] "c3_suit"         "c3_rank"         "c4_suit"         "c4_rank"         "c5_suit"        
## [11] "c5_rank"         "hand_from_cards" "CAT"             "coin_flip"       "LIST_COL"       
## [16] "LOGICAL_CHAR"    "LOGICAL_INT"     "yesno"

You can also revert the names, which is useful if you make changes to the data dictionary and want to go back to Step 1.

revert_colnames(df = poker, path = dictionary_dir)
##   head(colnames(poker)):

##   ID S1 C1 S2 C2 S3
##  [1] "ID"           "S1"           "C1"           "S2"           "C2"           "S3"          
##  [7] "C3"           "S4"           "C4"           "S5"           "C5"           "CLASS"       
## [13] "CAT"          "COIN FLIP"    "LIST_COL"     "LOGICAL_CHAR" "LOGICAL_INT"  "yesno"


Formal definition of a tsv2label data dictionary

The keywords REQUIRED/MUST, MUST NOT, and MAY/OPTIONAL are interpreted according to RFC 2119. I add an extra keyword, IGNORED, for clarity about what tsv2label will permit.

‘Variable’ and ‘column’ are used interchangeably; they refer to a column of a dataframe object.

File structure

tsv2label’s functions take a path argument, which we will call the dictionary path. This path:

Contents of index file

Contents of mapping spreadsheets

If defined for a variable in the recode_with column of index: