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Why Some Pages Accessible Via URL But Not Nav? #13

Closed wesleyboar closed 4 months ago

wesleyboar commented 4 months ago


Why can several pages load via URL, but do not show up in nav sidebar?

Actual Result

URL Nav (Top) Nav (Bottom) ardunio top arduino bottom dawson top dawson bottom dict top dict bottom

Expected Result

URL Nav (Active) wind
wesleyboar commented 4 months ago

I asked around, and got the following answers:

I think there is a way to:

Super long docs may still be a problem. It is a problem on also. I propose revisiting after redesign (#1).

silviamazzoni commented 4 months ago

I resolved the first one with Pedro's. he hadn't put in the title # OpenSees Model Calibration, which is what the nav page referred to.

silviamazzoni commented 4 months ago

the page that collates them does two things, 1. collates them, 2 adds the bookmarks to the nav bar. but the bookmark that it was using wasn't found in the collated page

wesleyboar commented 4 months ago

As an issue written and labeled as a question, I think we've both answered this (above), so I'll close it.

Answer Summary: A mix of navigation usage[^1], navigation gotchas[^1], duplicate docs[^2], and either neglect or lack of authority to resolve. I've gotten approval to work with contributors and designer to resolve this, so expect progress.

[^1]: Both @silviamazzoni and @wesleyboar are aware of navigation usage and gotchas and what are options are.

wesleyboar commented 3 months ago

New instances of the problem were recently introduced.