DesignSafe-CI / DS-User-Guide

User Guide for DesignSafe
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DesignSafe User Guide

DesignSafe MkDocs documentation with customized ReadTheDocs theme.


[!NOTE] For a detailed walkthrough of how to contribute to Use Cases, see its README.

  1. Fork this repository.\ (unless you are a direct collaborator)
  2. Edit relevant files that need update.\ (upload images as necessary)
  3. Commit your changes.
  4. Test your changes.\ (if comfortable using a command prompt)
  5. Request a review.\ (a.k.a. create a "Pull Request")


[^1]: Enabled extensions are tracked by under markdown_extensions:.


A. Via Python

[!IMPORTANT] This solution uses a different theme than (details).

  1. Have Python installed.\ Known supported versions are from 3.10 to 3.12.
  2. Navigate into your clone of this repo.
  3. Install dependencies:\ You should only need to do this once, or after a new release.

    pip install poetry
  4. Isolate dependencies:

    poetry shell
  5. Update & Serve the docs:

    poetry install
    cd user-guide
    mkdocs serve

    After the poetry shell command, you should be in a Poetry-managed environment. Your prompt might be prefixed with the name of the environment.

  6. Open the website at the URL echoed by the program e.g.

B. Via Docker

[!WARNING] This solution does not work on macOS with an M1 nor M2 chip (details).

  1. Have Docker installed.\ We recommend doing so via Docker-Desktop.
  2. Navigate into your clone of this repository.
  3. Start the Docker container to serve the docs.

    Linux or Mac (macOS) user:

    make build
    make start

    Windows user:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build
    docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
  4. Open the website at the URL provided e.g.

[^2]: To manually build or deploy, consult our internal documentation.

Automatic Builds

Automatic builds (not deploys) should occur on pushes to any branch.[^2]

Automatic Deployment

Automatic deploys should occur after an automatic build on the main branch.[^2]


All commits to main will trigger a docker build and push a new image to designsafeci/ds-user-guide:latest.

A Watchtower service monitors new pushes to this dockerhub repo and pull down new images on the fly to