DesignSafe-CI / DS-User-Guide

User Guide for DesignSafe
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Modification to link in usecase and nav pane + suggestion to README #43

Closed rinconraul closed 2 weeks ago

rinconraul commented 2 weeks ago


Updated link in usecase (was pointingincorrectly), and added in-core user guide to the navigation pane Added suggested steps/command for testing the webpage changes in Windows …




Pending Issues

The usecase in user-guide/docs/usecases/padgett/ is not rendering the inline equations (e.g. the equation $\mathbb{P}(DS≥ds_3 )≥0.15$). I tried different ways, but I prefer checking with you if it is maybe something for the mkdocs.yml.

wesleyboar commented 2 weeks ago

I have not formatted math before. I suspect DesignSafe is missing the extension to allow that. I will test (pymodwnx) arithmatex interpreting the equation. If you have bandwidth and interest, you can try to test it also:

  1. Add TACC-Docs' mkdocs.base.yml lines (42-72) to the bottom of rinconraul's mkdocs.yml in this branch.
  2. Stop & Start server.
  3. Hope for the best. I'll try it later.
rinconraul commented 2 weeks ago

I have not formatted math before. I suspect DesignSafe is missing the extension to allow that. I will test (pymodwnx) arithmatex interpreting the equation. If you have bandwidth and interest, you can try to test it also:

  1. Add TACC-Docs' mkdocs.base.yml lines (42-72) to the bottom of rinconraul's mkdocs.yml in this branch.
  2. Stop & Start server.
  3. Hope for the best. I'll try it later.

I couldn't access to TACC/TACC-Docs but I checked and tested the arithmatex (using this webpage) Summary: + adding MathJax to the mkdocs.yml works, and now the equations are rendered correctly!! - most of the code hidden in relative links and styles for figures now are also rendered! -- if we try KaTeX, the entire new look of DS User guide is lost.

Hope this works to reduce your tests... but maybe some of those 42-72 lines also help to avoid the first -. Otherwise I can edit the equations which are rather simple.

wesleyboar commented 2 weeks ago

@rinconraul, very helpful, thank you!

Please report that issue (and your solutions and results) in DS-User-Guide Issues and/or feel free to open a PR. I'll investigate the "-" con. I think I know how to solve the "--" con.[^1]

[^1]: I suspect KaTeX would work, without removing the style, if the one extra_css: entry for KaTex is instead appended to the existing extra_css: in mkdocs.yml.

Update: Reported as #44.