DesigningOpenInnovation / Project02

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Organizing for the unorganized

Open innovation project to discover new ideas that help unorganized people get more out of their lives. We want to move away from the thinking that organizing is about using calendars and setting up meetings -- we want solutions that help you get more out of your life WITHOUT having to actively use them. Our vision is that users could codesign together with companies to create time saving solutions by organizing the daily life in an effective and efficient way. We will also turn this into an auction where companies can purchase the IP for new solutions and inventors get royalites. Creative Commons License
Organizing for the unorganized by Jaakko Kalsi, Annakerttu Aranko, Velde Vainio and Kakeru Asano is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at