DeskDirector / Issues

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Macro appends to the last character instead of where the cursor is #205

Open iskolares opened 3 years ago

iskolares commented 3 years ago

Adding a macro adds the comment to the last character typed in the text area, instead of where the cursor is.

Here's a screengrab of the behaviour. AddingMacroBug

  1. Moved the cursor few a few blank spaces after "Regards," but it appends macro to "Regards,"
  2. Moved cursor to the intended location where I wanted to add macro, still appends after "Regards,"

Could be really cumbersome if a tech already has typed a long reply, then tries to add a macro an intended location, but it appends at the end of the reply.

Nness commented 3 years ago

This will be on lower priority, it is good to have but not required.


This is such feature that require low level operation.