DeskDirector / Issues

Issue Tracker for DeskDirector
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DeskDirector Issues

This is the Issue Tracker for DeskDirector. It is for tracking reproducible bugs/issues only. Please email to report issues. If you submit issues on this tracker directly, it will automatically be closed.

Once our support team has reproduced and identified your issue, we will record it here so you can keep track on our progress.

You can view existing issues or report a new issue.

How to create a good Bug Report?

If your bug report is effective, chances are higher that it will get fixed. So fixing a bug depends on how effectively it's reported.

1) Reproducible:

If your bug is not reproducible it will never get fixed. You should clearly provide the steps to reproduce the bug. Don't assume or skip any reproducing step. A step-by-step description of the issue is easy to reproduce and fix.

2) Be Specific

Don't write an essay about the problem, be specific and to the point. Try to summarize the problem in as few words as possible yet in an effective way. Don't combine multiple problems even they seem to be similar, write different reports for each problem.

3) Environment Details:

Include the version of the DeskDirector product you are using, the Operating System and the browser version. E.g. Web Portal, Windows 10, IE Edge 16, DeskDirector Server version 18.30.2.