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Request Items can't be added in bulk #217

Closed CharlesWarwick closed 3 years ago

CharlesWarwick commented 3 years ago

When I page to a group of request type items & select them all to add to a request group the SAVE button doesn't not enable added request type items cannot be saved.

It may be because I am selecting/searching by category, I didn't get great repeatability But it did fail whenever I selected all items on a page

CharlesWarwick commented 3 years ago

When I only select 2 req types the problem disappears (see end of video)

CharlesWarwick commented 3 years ago

Failed to save with these 8

Nness commented 3 years ago

Request type group cannot have more than 100 items. This should be user voice for feature request. I don't think at this stage I would increase that threshold. It's not reasonable.

The total of request types you can have is 200 anyway, and you put 100 there without any kind of filtering.

Nness commented 3 years ago


Added error message. (10 is for testing, 100 is limit for live version).