DesktopECHO / kWSL

KDE Neon 6.0 installer for WSL1 or WSL2.
155 stars 45 forks source link
kde kde-desktop kde-neon kde-plasma ubuntu windows wsl wsl1 wsl2 xrdp

kWSL.cmd • KDE Neon 6 Desktop for WSL




From an elevated CMD.EXE prompt change to your desired install directory and type/paste the following command:

PowerShell -executionpolicy bypass -command "wget -UseBasicParsing -OutFile kWSL.cmd ; .\kWSL.cmd"

You will be asked a few questions. The install script will determine current DPI scaling, or set your own value if preferred:

[KDE Neon 6 Installer for WSL v.20240301]

Set a name for this KDE Neon instance.  Hit Enter to use default.
Keep this name simple, no space or underscore characters [Neon]:
Port number for xRDP traffic or hit Enter to use default [3399]:
Port number for SSHd traffic or hit Enter to use default [3322]:
Set a custom DPI scale, or hit Enter for Windows default [1]: 1.25
[Not recommended!] Type X to eXclude from Windows Defender:

Installing kWSL Distro [Neon] to "C:\Neon"
This will take a few minutes, please wait...

The installer will download all the necessary packages to transform the Jammy base image into KDE Neon User Edition. Reference times will vary depending on system performance and the presence of antivirus software. A fast system/network can complete the install in about 10 minutes.

[19:19:01] Importing distro userspace (~0m30s)
[19:19:14] Git clone and update repositories (~1m00s)
[19:20:22] Prepare userspace (~1m00s)
[19:20:45] Installing Prerequisites (~2m00s)
[19:23:12] KDE Neon 6 (~7m00s)
[19:31:12] Web Browser, CRD, VLC 4 (~1m00s)
[19:32:10] Cleaning-up... (~0m15s)

Near the end of the script you will be prompted to create a non-root user. This user will be automatically added to sudo'ers.

Open Windows Firewall Ports for xRDP, SSH, mDNS...
Building RDP Connection file, Console link, Init system...
Building Scheduled Task...
SUCCESS: The scheduled task "Neon" has successfully been created.

      Start: Fri 03/01/2024 @ 19:18
        End: Fri 03/01/2024 @ 19:32
   Packages: 1434

  - xRDP Server listening on port 3399 and SSHd on port 3322.

  - Links for GUI and Console sessions have been placed on your desktop.

  - (Re)launch init from the Task Scheduler or by running the following command:
    schtasks /run /tn Neon

 Neon Installation Complete!  GUI will start in a few secon

When the script completes you will be logged-in to your KDE Neon Desktop.

Optional: Set KDE to start at boot (like a service) instead of starting at login (default setting)

Optional: Convert WSL Instance

Example of conversion to WSL2:

Procedure is the same for switching back to WSL1: wsl --set-version NeonWSL 1

Make it your own

It's best to fork this project so you (and only you) control the packages and files in the deployment.

Quirks / Limitations / Additional Info:

