DetectiveEric / PowerShell-ETL-SQL-Server

PowerShell scripts for more object-oriented ETL than SSIS & remote SQL Server job initiation
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PowerShell scripts for more object-oriented ETL than SSIS

Copy-SqlTable "I just need to copy a table between remote servers and don't have the time for SSIS" Start-JobAndWait "A workflow requires a SQL job on a remote server to be executed synchronously"


This script will copy a table and its data 1) DROP the destination table 2) CREATE dest table from source table DDL 3) BCP the data from source to destination table

USAGE EXAMPLE: powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -executionpolicy RemoteSigned -Command "&'Y:\scripts\Copy-SqlTable.ps1' -SrcServer 'dwdb02' -SrcDatabase 'Reports' -SrcTable 'KioskAnalytics' -DestServer 'mktsvcdb02' -DestDatabase 'Reports' -Truncate"


This script starts a remote SQL Agent Job and wait for it to complete until a MaximumRuntime is met

USAGE EXAMPLE: powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -executionpolicy RemoteSigned -Command "&'Y:\scripts\Start-JobAndWait.ps1' -ServerName 'proddb01' -JobName 'ExecuteScoringProcess'"