Dev-tanay / Rubik-Cube

Rubik Cube
MIT License
92 stars 156 forks source link
css gssoc24 html js open-source project rubiks-cube ssoc24



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🌐 Link to Game Demo

📖 About the Game

This is a simple and elegant game where you can play Rubik's Cube from your own web browser.

🕹️ How to Play

The objective of this game is to get each face of the cube to have a single color.

This can be done in two ways:

  1. Twisting the Segments

    • This can be done by dragging the cursor over the segment you want to rotate.
  2. Changing the View of the Cube

    • This can be done by dragging the cursor in an arrow around the cube.

🧩 Installation Guide for Rubik-Cube

Follow the steps below to install and set up the Rubik-Cube project on your local machine.

📋 Prerequisites

🛠️ Steps

  1. 🔗 Clone the Repository Open your terminal (or Command Prompt on Windows) and run the following command to clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. 📂 Navigate to the Cloned Repository Change directory to the cloned repository:

    cd Rubik-Cube
  3. 🌐 Open the Index.html File Locate the index.html file in the repository and open it in your web browser. You can do this by either:

    • Double-clicking the index.html file in your file manager. This will open the file in your default web browser.
    • Running a simple HTTP server (if you prefer):

      Using Python (if installed):

      python -m http.server

      Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8000.

      Using Node.js (if installed) with http-server package:

      npx http-server

      Open your web browser and go to the provided local server URL (usually or similar).

  4. 🎮 Play the Game Once the index.html file is opened in the web browser, the game screen will be displayed. You can now start playing the Rubik-Cube game.

ℹ️ Notes

Enjoy your Rubik-Cube game! 🕹️✨

🧭 Navigating the Game Screen

About the Game

This is a simple and elegant game where you can play Rubik's Cube from your own web browser.

Each of the six faces of the Rubik's cube is in one of the six colors - red, green, yellow, blue, white, and orange.

The visible part of the cube is divided into 26 pieces:

The 26 pieces are "scrambled" to have different colors on each face.

Link to Game Demo

How to Play

The objective of this game is to get each face of the cube to have a single color.

This can be done in two ways:

  1. Twisting the segments
  2. This can be done by dragging the cursor over the segment you want to rotate or letters(r l u b d f) for the move(Hold Shift for prime/anticlockwise moves)

  3. Changing the view of the cube
  4. This can be done by dragging the cursor in an arrow or arrowkeys (up,down,right,left) around the cube.

  5. Using keyboard shortcuts
  6. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to rotate the cube:

    • Press w or Arrow Up to rotate the cube upwards.
    • Press s or Arrow Down to rotate the cube downwards.
    • Press a or Arrow Left to rotate the cube to the left.
    • Press d or Arrow Right to rotate the cube to the right.

Technology Used



  1. Clone the repository
  2. git clone
  3. Navigate to the cloned repository
  4. cd Rubik-Cube
  5. Open the index.html file in a web browser

There, you've opened the game screen!

Navigating the Game Screen