Placed in the service file of specified microservice
Should have javadocs explaining parameters, returns, and what the method does
Method name should match corresponding endpoint method call, check what the method is named in the controller file and either change the name there, or copy it.
The function should have inputs matching the endpoint function and outputs matching the endpoint function. If you feel that the endpoint has incorrect types for either of these, or is missing parameters, etc. Please change it as you see fit and I'll just check it in the pull request
I have not custom added the inputs and outputs for the method for sake of timing so you will need to understand them either from the implemented endpoint or from the issue created for the endpoint matching the ( input -> output) naming format
If you need to make a fictitious JPA call please follow this format:
public Course exampleServiceMethod(Long whateverParameters) { doStuff(); //Comment above what data we want in the jpa file data = jpafile.doStuff(); }
Current Assumptions
We assume and are implemented, where Course is the general class like CSCI 1302 and Section is a specific CRN section of the class
We assume all JPA implementation is done and we can freely access the database using JPA entities Course and Section
I personally don't have a ton of experience with JPA so I will make this more open ended and if you can't figure something out, just ask and we can figure it out together.
Here is the link to the database design for your database calls: DB_Design
I know this is for Course PDFs and not bulletin but just use this as an idea of what data you need to get from the fictitious JPA call.
I understand that the directions and approach to making this method work is very open ended and as such don't be afraid to ask as many questions as you want. There's a lot of assumptions being made to even try to implement so if you're unsure just ask and I can clarify or figure it out with the other focus leads.
General Service Method Requirements
public Course exampleServiceMethod(Long whateverParameters) { doStuff(); //Comment above what data we want in the jpa file data = jpafile.doStuff(); }
Current Assumptions
We assume and are implemented, where Course is the general class like CSCI 1302 and Section is a specific CRN section of the class We assume all JPA implementation is done and we can freely access the database using JPA entities Course and Section I personally don't have a ton of experience with JPA so I will make this more open ended and if you can't figure something out, just ask and we can figure it out together. Here is the link to the database design for your database calls: DB_Design I know this is for Course PDFs and not bulletin but just use this as an idea of what data you need to get from the fictitious JPA call. I understand that the directions and approach to making this method work is very open ended and as such don't be afraid to ask as many questions as you want. There's a lot of assumptions being made to even try to implement so if you're unsure just ask and I can clarify or figure it out with the other focus leads.