DevDogs-UGA / Optimal-Schedule-Builder

DevDogs' inaugural, 2024-2025 project: an optimal schedule-building website for UGA students.
13 stars 70 forks source link


DevDogs' inaugural, 2024-2025 project: an optimal schedule-building website for UGA students.

Welcome to the DevDogs Optimal Schedule Builder project!

We’re excited to have you here! If you’re interested in contributing to our project, please request to join the 2024-2025 Project Contributers team here and join our Discord server.

Getting Started

  1. Join the Team: Request to join the 2024-2025 Project Contributor team on our GitHub Organization.
  2. Review Issues: Check the Issues tab to see what work needs to be done. Feel free to add issues with features or modifications you would like to include in the project!
  3. Fork the Repository: Create a fork of this repository to work on your own copy of the code. Assign yourself an issue to work on.
  4. Clone the Repository: Use Git or GitHub Desktop to clone your forked repository to your local machine.
  5. Work on the Issue: Complete the tasks associated with your assigned issue.
  6. Push Changes: Push your local changes to your forked GitHub repository.
  7. Create a Pull Request: Once your work is complete, submit a pull request (PR) to the original repository. Be sure to document your changes thoroughly and include any relevant screenshots.

Important: Always sync your forked repository with the original before starting any new coding session, and pull the latest changes to your local machine.