DevOps-Kathmandu / Meetups

Everything about DevOps Kathmandu Meetups(online/offline).
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DevOps Kathmandu Meetups(past/present/future)

This repo is for information, useful links(video, slides, docs) from our Community Meetups.


DevOps Kathmandu is a common platform started in 2018 bringing development, operations, QA, management & leadership together to discuss the culture and tools to make better organizations & products. We organize meetup, gatherings, sessions on DevOps-y topics with the view to enhance collaboration & communication of like minded people in Kathmandu as well as connect with global communities.

Its open ground for all - from starting minds to veteran who are interested in sharing and hearing stories, giving talks, open discussions and explore more.

If you want to know more about our community and collaborate, check out our meetup page and join us!

Convention for Digging into Meetup Details