DevOpsify / releaseMaster

release Master for docker
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

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Release Master

Release Master provide insign on your release cycle for all the different environment you have

Build local image and test app with local image

# Requires docker-compose v1.7+
$ make start-local

Build image and push to docker hub

$ make build
$ make push

Start app with image from docker hub

$ make start

Start the development environment

$ docker run --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 -d mongo
$ export mongodb= # docke machine IP
$ npm install
$ bower install

with npm

$ npm start

or with nodemon

$ npm install nodemon -g
$ nodemon bin/www



Frontend development

  1. Install dependency use npm install

  2. Start gulp gulp watch

Seeding the database

seed the database npm run seed

All the seeds file are under seeds dir named after the collection name

Local Test

export mongodb=localhost 
make test