DevProgress / HillaryBNB

Home sharing app for Hillary Clinton supporters
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Can't delete host listing #48

Closed mattjacobus closed 8 years ago

mattjacobus commented 8 years ago

It's either not possible or not apparent how to delete a host listing.

dsjoerg commented 8 years ago

When you click on your hosting, do you see something like this?


The idea is to click on the I CAN'T HOST button.

mattjacobus commented 8 years ago

Uh, aside from the big red button that I didn't notice below "save". Sorry.

dsjoerg commented 8 years ago

Well maybe you won't be the only one to have this problem? Maybe you can think of something that would work better?

mattjacobus commented 8 years ago

I was actually scanning that page for "Delete", similar to what you would see in the iOS contacts app where you edit a contact and then at the bottom is "Delete contact". My inclination is to change the text to have it say "Cancel" when you're in the process of creating a new listing and "Delete" when you're looking at an existing listing.

dsjoerg commented 8 years ago

On BernieBNB it used to be "DELETE" and they changed it to "I AM BOOKED" for some reason. I asked them why, maybe they'll remember what the problem was for DELETE.

dsjoerg commented 8 years ago

Imagine that you've set up a hosting and you have 3 people coming to stay at your place, and now you're full and don't want any more guests. I wonder if the host was worried to hit DELETE because they were worried that their accepted & wanted guests would be told that they were no longer able to stay at their place.