DevProgress / HillaryBNB

Home sharing app for Hillary Clinton supporters
10 stars 13 forks source link


We want to build an app to allow supporters to share their homes with others from out of town and to help supporters on the road find lodging.

How We're Doing It


Please e-mail We would love your help.

Setting up development

Updating gem versions

Modifying schema

Connecting to dev DB

Deploying to Heroku

If there are database migrations to be deployed:

Sending daily emails

You should set up the following to run periodically (daily was what BernieBNB did):

Setup local hostname

Google OAuth only allows hostnames for its OAuth URLs. Setup a local hostname that points to your docker machine


Setting up Facebook/Google/Bing connections

Configure values for the variables below in config/application.yml:

Setting up Mailgun

A mailgun account is required to send the confirmation email when signing up.

When does HillaryBNB send emails?

As of 20161010, sends emails nightly. Every night at 3:30/4am Eastern time we do the following:

For each Hosting Offer registered in the system, if there are any visitors who clicked the "SEND MY CONTACT INFO" button within the past 24 hours, we gather their contact information and email them to the the host. (Note that this means a host may receive multiple emails from us if they have multiple Hosting Offers). (This logic is in

For each Visit registered in the system, if there are any new Hosting Offers created within the past 24 hours that are within 20 miles of the Visit's zip code, we email them to the visitor. (Note that this means a visitor may receive multiple emails from us if they have multiple pending Visits). (This logic is in