Devanik21 / ISRO_Mining_Site_FINAL_APP

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🌌 Galactic Mining Hub

Galactic Mining Hub is an advanced Machine Learning-based platform designed to assist in the exploration and evaluation of potential mining sites across different celestial bodies. This project showcases the capabilities of ML in space mining exploration, providing predictive insights, recommendations, and detailed analysis of mining site data.

πŸš€ Project Overview

The Galactic Mining Hub was developed to serve as an advanced web platform for analyzing and recommending mining sites based on user preferences. The platform features interactive visualizations, insightful analyses, and personalized recommendations, making it a comprehensive tool for anyone interested in space mining.

Developed by: Devanik

🧩 Features

1. Prediction Model

2. Recommendation Model

3. Data Analysis

4. Visualization

5. Insights

πŸ“Š Dataset The project utilizes a synthetic dataset representing various celestial bodies and their potential mining sites. The dataset includes features such as:

Celestial Body: The name of the celestial body. Iron (%): Percentage of iron composition. Nickel (%): Percentage of nickel composition. Water/Ice (%): Percentage of water or ice. Estimated Value (B USD): Estimated economic value in billions of USD. Sustainability Index: A metric representing the sustainability of mining operations. Efficiency Index: A metric representing the efficiency of mining operations. Distance from Earth (M km): Distance of the site from Earth in million kilometers.

πŸ› οΈ Technologies Used Python: The core programming language used for the project. Streamlit: For creating an interactive web application. Pandas: For data manipulation and analysis. Seaborn & Matplotlib: For creating visualizations. Scikit-Learn: For machine learning models.

πŸ’» How to Use Select a model from the sidebar to explore its capabilities:

Prediction: To predict potential mining sites. Recommendation: To get personalized recommendations. Analysis: To explore and analyze the dataset. Visualization: To create and customize visualizations. Insights: To gain actionable insights based on the data. Interact with the application by selecting features, adjusting parameters, and exploring the outputs.

πŸ› οΈ Tech Stack





Version Control:

Review the insights and visualizations generated to inform your decision-making process regarding space mining opportunities.

🀝 Contributing

We welcome contributions to the Galactic Mining Hub! If you’d like to contribute, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Fork the repository to your own GitHub account.
  2. Clone the repository to your local machine:
    git clone
  3. Create a new branch for your changes:
    git checkout -b your-feature-branch
  4. Make your changes and test them thoroughly.
  5. Commit your changes with clear commit messages.
  6. Push to your fork and open a pull request.

For detailed contribution guidelines, please refer to the file.

πŸ‘€ Author Devanik - LinkedIn πŸ“„ License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

πŸ›°οΈ Acknowledgments Inspiration for this project came from the growing interest in space exploration and the potential for resource mining on other celestial bodies. Special thanks to the open-source community and the developers behind the tools used in this project.