Devesh1509 / Hack2023

MIT License
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hacktoberfest-accepted hacktoberfest2023 hactoberfest-accepted


Beginner-Friendly Open Source Repository

Welcome to Raposatory, an open-source repository that's open for contributions from anyone who wants to contribute, create issues, and share beginner-friendly project ideas and code samples. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, you're welcome to join our community and help us grow.

Table of Contents

  1. Fork this repository to your own GitHub account.

  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine:

  3. Create a new branch for your changes:

  4. Make your changes and commit them:

  5. Push your changes to your fork:

  6. Create a Pull Request (PR) to merge your changes into the main repository.

We encourage you to follow the best practices for contributing to open source projects, including clear commit messages and well-documented code.

Creating Issues

If you have an idea, suggestion, or bug report, you can create an issue in the repository. Here's how to create an issue:

  1. Go to the "Issues" tab on the GitHub repository.

  2. Click on the "New Issue" button.

  3. Fill in the details about your issue, including a clear description, labels, and other relevant information.

  4. Submit the issue, and the community will review and address it.

Adding Project Ideas and Code

We welcome project ideas and code samples that are beginner-friendly and can help others learn. You can add your ideas and code by following these steps:

  1. Create a new file in the appropriate directory or create a new directory if needed.

  2. Write a clear and concise description of the project idea or code.

  3. Include any necessary code samples, documentation, or resources to help others understand and implement the idea.

  4. Commit your changes and create a Pull Request to add your project idea or code to the repository.

Code of Conduct

We want Raposatory to be a welcoming and inclusive community. Please review our Code of Conduct to understand the expectations for behavior within the community.


Raposatory is licensed under the MIT License. By contributing to this repository, you agree to comply with the terms of this license.

Hacktoberfest Guidelines

If you're participating in Hacktoberfest, please make sure to follow the Hacktoberfest Guidelines to ensure your contributions are eligible for the event. Thank you for your interest in Raposatory, and we look forward to your contributions and ideas. Together, we can build a supportive and educational open-source community for all developers, no matter their level of experience.