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Get rid of passport (maybe) #232

Open eric-burel opened 1 year ago

eric-burel commented 1 year ago

Upgrading next-connect doesn't work, as it doesn't document Express + route handlers


Let's rewrite the auth part to avoid depdnency on Passport, which brings not much additional value.

Then, we will be able to update to Sentry Next 7, see

eric-burel commented 1 year ago

@SachaG seems like NextAuth is solid enough for us, given that it's optimized for Next and supported by Vercel:

We would need to add Anonymous auth strategy, and I don't know if it supports pin code out of the box

SachaG commented 1 year ago

PIN code is a nice-to-have so we don't really need to worry about it, but we'd need the magic links yeah… I'm fine to wait until next year to make any new changes to surveyform btw.