Devographics / Monorepo

Monorepo containing the State of JS apps
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Devographics Monorepo

This is the codebase that runs the Devographics surveys, such as State of JS and State of CSS.


1. Install pnpm

This monorepo uses pnpm, and you should start by installing it.

2. Clone Repositories

A. Install Script

You can clone all repositories in the right place and create blank .env files with the following install script:

curl -o- | bash

B. Manual Install

Other repos

The survey apps rely on a lot of metadata. If you need to load or modify this metadata from your local filesystem instead of through our API, you can optionally also clone these other repos:

  1. entities: the YAML files containing all metadata for the features, sites, people, libraries, etc. mentioned in the surveys.
  2. surveys: contains the YAML files that define survey configs and outlines.
  3. locale-en-US: (or any other locale) contains the locale strings used in the survey.

I suggest using the following file structure:

3. Install Dependencies

Whenever you need to run a project in the monorepo directory (such as results, surveyform, etc.), you will need to first run pnpm install from within its subdirectory.

This will install dependencies for all applications of the monorepository.

4. Running a Project

You can run each project with pnpm run dev when inside its subdirectory.

For example, for the surveyform app:

If this is your first time running a project, you will run into some issues that need to be fixed by configuring your local environment variables (see below).

Remote vs Local API

You can run the results and surveyform project by connecting to our remote production API (

Alternatively, if you want to use local files for the surveys, locales, etc. you will need to run a local copy of the API project (monorepo/api) locally as well to load them. Once the API is running, you can then point the other apps to it via the API_URL env variable.

Note that even when the API is running locally, you will still need internet access to connect to the databases and load image assets.

5. Environment Variables Setup

Each app within monorepo needs its own environment variables defined inside a .env files (except for surveyform and surveyadmin, which use a .env.development.local file).

Here are some ways that can help with this setup:

  1. You can use the .env.example file in each project subdirectory (such as this one for the surveyform project) as a starting point by pasting its contents into your own .env or .env.development.local (for Next.js projects such as surveyform) file.
  2. You will need credentials to connect to our MongoDB and Redis staging database. You can ask me (Sacha) on Discord and I will provide them.
  3. When running the app with pnpm run dev you will get error messages indicating any remaining missing environment variables.

You can also refer to variables.yml directly and look for variables corresponding to the current app (e.g. results).


The following apps are all contained within the monorepo.

šŸ“” API

Node.js TypeScript app.

What It Does
Hosted On

šŸ” GraphiQL


What It Does
Hosted On

āœļø Surveyform

Next.js TypeScript app.

What It Does
Hosted On

šŸ“Š Results

Gatsby TypeScript app.

What It Does
Hosted On

šŸ”’ Surveyadmin

Admin app.

What It Does
Hosted On


šŸ—‚ļø Main Database

MongoDB database.

What It Does
Hosted On
Local dev

You can plug to a staging database or run Mongo locally via Docker.

See "docker-compose.yml" and "Justfile" for our local setup. When running locally, data are stored in a ".mongo" folder in the monorepo folder. You can delete this folder to reset the local database.

šŸ’¾ Cache Database

Redis database.

What It Does
Hosted On
Local dev

You can plug to a staging database or run Redis locally.

Since we use Upstash, which rely on HTTP requests instead of direct Redis connection, we also setup an HTTP proxy.

See "docker-compose.yml" and "Justfile" for our local setup.

To reset the local Redis instance, the best approach is to remove the Redis container.


šŸŒ Locales

Locale strings

What It Does

šŸ“– Survey Config

Outline and config files for each survey.

What It Does

šŸ–¼ļø Static Assets

Static image files.

What It Does
Hosted On


Emojis to distinguish commits within the monorepo:

Env Variables

See "shared/helpers/variables.yml" for a more up to date list.


Variable Description Used By
API_URL URL of the API All


Variable Description Used By
MONGO_URI URI of the Mongo database All
MONGO_PRIVATE_DB Name of the database where private data is stored Surveyform
MONGO_PUBLIC_DB Name of the database where public data is stored API


Variable Description Used By
REDIS_URL URL of the Redis database Surveyform
REDIS_TOKEN Redis token (needed for Upstash) Surveyform


Variable Description Used By
GITHUB_TOKEN GitHub access token Results
GITHUB_PATH_SURVEYS Path to surveys dir on GitHub (e.g. org/repo/(subdir)) Results
GITHUB_PATH_LOCALES Path to locales dir on GitHub (e.g. org/(repo)/(subdir)) Results, API


Variable Description Used By
EMAIL_OCTOPUS_APIKEY EmailOctopus API key Surveyform
DEFAULT_MAIL_FROM Default "from" email (e.g. Surveyform
SMTP_HOST SMTP host (e.g. Surveyform
SMTP_PORT SMTP port (e.g. 465) Surveyform
SMTP_SECURE Set to "1" Surveyform
SMTP_USER SMTP username Surveyform
SMTP_PASS SMTP password Surveyform


Other Config

Variable Description Used By
ENCRYPTION_KEY Encryption key to hash emails Surveyform
SECRET_KEY Secret key used to verify external webhook requests API
ASSETS_URL URL for static assets (e.g. All

Local Dev

Variable Description Used By
SURVEYS_DIR Local directory from which to load survey outlines API
LOCALES_DIR Local directory from which to load locale files API
ENTITIES_DIR Local directory from which to load entities files API
ENABLE_CACHE Set to false to always load data from the API All
PORT Which port to run the app on All
LOGS_DIRECTORY Absolute path to logs dir (e.g. /Users/sacha/monorepo/surveyform/.logs) All

Other 3rd party services