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Json data question #333

Open ShaineRosewel opened 8 months ago

ShaineRosewel commented 8 months ago

Not sure if this is something expected. I am looking at the json data of the Oct 23 zip file sent by Sacha.

This response is from ID: "2U7I-Z8CHPSHrkZUf11tI"

Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 10 05 39 PM

then I looked at another ID: "joLamwEOvW74Z0k8FFmt5"

Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 10 10 34 PM

I am wondering why there isn't a line, _"experience": "neverused " on the first image even if follow up is not empty... Is this expected? @SachaG @eric-burel

eric-burel commented 8 months ago

Might something slightly related to If you unclicked the element the followup would stay, I fixed a bug during the survey about that and the one in #290 specifically is still there (we clarified the expected behaviour but I didn't fix it yet)

I think you can ignore those results

SachaG commented 8 months ago

Yes in theory you always have to pick a "main" experience answer before you can pick a follow-up, but because of UI weirdness it might not always be the case (that "rule" is not enforced server-side so anomalies like that can get through).