DevonGifford / BulkBasics

This is one of my portfolio projects - a fully fledged ecommerce website
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E-commerce portfolio project

Built with Vite + React & Hosted by Netlify

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Welcome & Introductory

Brief Introduction:

Welcome to my Ecommerce Project Repository, a portfolio project of mine!

This project serves as a personal learning experience, allowing me to test my abilities in seeing a project through from start to finish. Rather than replicating existing stores, the focus is on developing robust business logic and integrating various technologies.

My goal was to fully immerse myself in building an ecommerce application, exploring different topics and honing my implementation and integration skills. While efficiency could have been prioritized, the main objective was to gain comprehensive knowledge.

Important points to note:

  • The project places less emphasis on creating visually stunning designs. Instead, it prioritizes building and refining business logic, implementing functionality, and exploring diverse technologies.

  • The user interface and design maintain a minimalistic and functional approach, allowing a greater focus on learning and development.

  • This project doesn't aim to create a real store with actual products. Instead, the focus is on building business logic and refining development skills, simulating real-world scenarios and mirroring professional work environments.

    You can see all tickets created & closed here : Closed Tickets βœ…

    ### The Goals of this project:
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    • Build the project initially using Vanilla JavaScript and later convert it into a TypeScript project.

    • Initially implement styling with SCSS and then convert it into Styled Components styling

    • Utilize Firebase for authentication and Firestore as the database

    • Begin with Context hooks and reducers, then transition to legacy Redux,

    • Followed by integrating Redux Thunk and then convert it into Redux Saga,

    • Finally convert the legacy Redux into modern Redux using Redux-Toolkit

    • Integrate GraphQL and Apollo into the project

    • Implement performance optimizations to ensure fast and smooth user experience

    • Enhance security by implementing Firebase Rule Security to protect user data

    • Write comprehensive tests for React components and functionality

    • Convert the project into a Progressive Web App (PWA) to provide a seamless and responsive experience across different devices

    Development Journey

    In this section, I'll guide you through the step-by-step process of bringing this project to life. From initial concept to final implementation, I've documented my progress, highlighting the tools, technologies, and methodologies used along the way. Please note that this project was primarily a learning experience. While there may have been more efficient approaches, I intentionally explored specific topics and tested my abilities with various technologies and libraries. Join me on this behind-the-scenes adventure as I share exciting milestones, challenges, and valuable lessons learned as a solo developer. Experience the transformation of an idea into a fully functional ecommerce platform.

    Click here to expand and see all the steps I took to build this project:

    ## ## 1. Scaffolding the Vite/React Project with FireBase
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    ### 1.1 Initializing the project with Vite & React
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    [VITE DOCUMENTATION]( 1. Using Vite (pronounced 'Veet'πŸ€”) `npm create vite@latest` 2. Clearing up some of the unnecessary and boiler plate code 3. Adding and setting up SASS - Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets `npm install sass` 4. Setting up the most essential folder structure for components

    ### 1.2 Setting up Routing with React-Router (v6.4)
    Click here to see more: [React-Router Doc's]( 1. #### Installilng the package - `npm install react-router-dom localforage match-sorter sort-by` - fixing any conflicts from `npm` audit 2. #### Creating a Routes Folder and transferring the 'home' 3. #### In the `App.jsx - Importing { Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom' ` - Wrapping everything in Routes - Creating a Route path to the Home page 4. #### In the `Main.jsx` - Importing `{ BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom'` - wrapping the "App" with `BrowserRouter`

    ### 1.3 Basic FireBase Setup
    Click here to see more: [Cloud FireBase Doc's]( 1. #### Created a Firebase project registered the Ecommerce-projec/app in the FireBase web-console 2. #### Installed the SDK and initialized Firebase - npm install firebase - Added a `Utils` Folder with `FireBase folder` - Added file called `firebase.utils` 3. #### Created access for Firebase in the app - via `firebase.utils` - import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app'; - Setting up authentication Import {} from `firebase/auth`; - getAuth - signInWithRedirect, - signInWithPopup, - GoogleAuthProvider, - Created firebaseConfig with info from FireBase web-app - Initialized the App with firebaseConfig - Enforcing account selection - In the Firebase console - enabled the Google Sign in method 4. #### Setting up the `sign-in route` page - import {signInWithGooglePopup, createUserProfileDocument} from 'firebase.utils'; - Creating Async Sign-in Function/Method to get access token

    ### 1.4 Setting up Firestore Data Model
    Click here to see more: [Cloud Firestore Doc's]( Obviously we are just using FireBase for authentication. To be able to store the users, I will need a database. Enter Cloud FireStore. 1. #### Created a production FireStore database via web-console and based in EU amended the rules 2. #### Imported the necessary methods into Firebase utils - { getFirestore, doc, getDoc, setDoc } 3. #### Created a method to store users data from authentication - used an if statement with try block, so as if user does not exist do 'x' or else return user. - used a catch block , so as if an error occurs console.log the error. - logging date data for creation of new users (new Data()). 4. #### Additionally, installed a package to handle the import of SVG Files - `npm install vite-plugin-svgr` - Updated the vite.config.js

    ### 1.5 Experimenting with a Google Redirect Sign in
    Click here to see more: 1. #### Importing `GoogleRedirect` from `firebase/auth` into utils 2. #### Setting up Sign-in Component - Using `useEffect` Hook from `react` - Using `getRedirectResult` from `firebase/auth` - Amended the SignIn method to incorporate the above ### 1.6 Setting up email & password - sign-up & sign-in
    1. ##### Adding a new provider in FireStore 2. ##### Creating new sign-up component 3. ##### Creating new sign-in component 4. ##### Refactoring Buttons into seperate component 4. ##### Refactoring Form-inputs into seperate component 5. ##### Renaming Sign-in to Authentication

    ### 1.7 Adding Context - using react-context
    The users profile will be present in many components throughout the app (Such as a Signing-in, profile management, shopping cart etc.) Will require having to have access to the 'user' context through out the app 1. ##### Creating a Context Folder - Created a user.context.jsx file, using; - useState - createContext - Created UserContext to store the users data (& null as defaults), as well as export into components. - Create `userProvider` to pass this into/wrap the entire app. - Obviously wrapped the app inside in Main.jsx 2. ##### Giving Sign-in Form access to the context - When 'user' signs in, store the 'user' into the context - Added `useContext` & imported the `context` object - Added the `SetCurrentUser` functionality to the Sign-in method - Running `SetCurrent` user if sign-in promise returns a 'user'. - (Both For google and email sign in) 3. ##### Accessing Context in the Navigation component - Added `UseContext` & imported the `context` object - Added the currentUser = useContext(UserContext) 4. ##### Giving Sign-up Form access to the context - When 'user' creates an account, store 'user' into the context - Added `useContext` & imported the `context` object - Added the `SetCurrentUser` functionality to the Sign-in method - Running `SetCurrent` user if sign-in promise returns a 'user' 5. ##### Updating Navigation bar with conditional (ternary) - If user signed in, 'sign-in' link should turn into 'sign-out' - Simple Conditional (ternary) operator in the jsx

    ### 1.8 Adding Sign-Out Functionality
    Obviously once the user is signed in, they will need to be able to sign-out. 1. ##### Adding Sign-Out Functionality in FireBase Utils [Sign-Out Doc's]( - imported `signOut` from firebase/auth - Created an export for `signOutUser` 2. ##### Import signout user into Navigation component - Imported the `SignOut` Function from `FireBase Utils` - Updated the conditional sign-out link with an onClick with `signOutUser` 3. ##### Created Sign-Out Handler Function - await `signOutUser` - then `setCurrentUser` = null; - updated the sign-out link to use the `signOutHandler`

    ### 1.9 Implementing Observer's and onAuthStateChange
    Click here to see more: [onAuthStateChanged]( Just as I finished this I learned read about Observer's and onAuthStateChange This is actually essential otherwise the user will have this unwanted persistent-signed-in-state - i.e. the user will remain signed-in, even if we refresh the page. The problem being it will appear if we have to sign-in again but in the console if we log our user, it will show the last signed in user. Additionally we dont need to hook into the sign and sign out components any longer and therefore don't have to re-run all those fucntions on a change - instead our onAuthStateChange listener will do this for us. Ultimatly saving some computing power. Wish I read about this before coding all that. lol 1. ##### In the fireBase utils file; - imported this on AuthChange - created an export for it 2. ##### In the user.context file; - added the `useEffect` Hook - added new functions from `firebase.utils` - created a hook that will track the authChange; - Needed to prevent a memory leak - Needed to use effect cleanup to dispose when no longer needed. 3. ##### In the sign-in and sign-up components; no longer require to run the functions everytime a change in sign-in occurs , therefore; - removed all `context` imports - removed all `setCurrentUser` functions - Google sign in function; - removed `createUserDocumentFromAuth` - added this function to the user.context (the above can't be done with sign-up) 4. ##### In the Navigation components; - no longer required to `setCurrentUser` - removed `signOutHandler` function

    ### 1.10 Mocking Shop-Data and scaffolding the actual 'Shop' page
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    1. ##### Mocking Shop Data and building functionality Created a simple JSON file with some simple clothing store items (just hats). I will use this to mock having content for the store temporarily while I finish building some of the essential functionality, then later I will remove/replace the hard coded shop data. 2. ##### Creating a Shop Page Route - Imported React-Context - Imported the ProductsContext and destructuring to get the 'products' source - Mapping over the Products to display individual items on the site 3. ##### Creating a Products.Context File - Imported `create context` and `shop-data` - Created ProductsContext export - Created ProducsProvider export to wrap the app inside 4. ##### Amending the Main.jsx - I want the products be able to access the user context (this could be a debate but for my app, I think this would be the simplest) - Wrapped the inside 5. ##### Amending the APP.jsx - Removed the old temporary 'blank' shop page - Imported the newly created shop component 6. ##### Creating a 'product-card' component - basic styling - Imported Button component - Created basic scss styling sheet and imported into the component - Getting individual clothing items from passing in the products and destructuring (This will rely on receiving the individual items in the Shop.route file - via mapping) - Created layout of the card and returning the following in the card; - Image - Name - Price - Button

    ### 1.11 Creating Cart-Icon with a DropDown Menu
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    1. ##### Created a Cart Icon - Added SVG image to the assets folder 2. ##### Creating Cart-icon Component - Imported styles sheet, SVG file, - Created a function to set the cartContext from false to true - Function is run with an onClick (Cart-Icon Button) 3. ##### Updating the Navigation to include the Cart -Icon - updated the overall styling to make things easier to look at. - added the cart-component - added the drop-down component 4. ##### Creating Cart-Dropdown Component - simple layout with button for a checkout (future) - created simple styling 5. ##### Creating Cart Context - Very simple setup - is the cart open set to false by default - Set the cart open - Imported CardProvider to App.js - Imported isCartOpen to Navigation using a short-circuit operator (&&)

    ### 1.12 Adding Basic Functionality to the Cart
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    1. ##### Create a CartItem Component - Created simple cart item that will return, using `destructuring` ; - the `Image` of the item - the `Name` of item - the `Price` of the item (`Quantity x Price`) 2. ##### Amending the CartContext - In the `CartContext`; - Added `CartItems Array` - Added `addItemToCart` function - In the `CartProvider`; - Added useState `[cartItems, setCartItems] = useState([]);` - Added `addItemToCart` function - Updated the value to include `cartItems` & `addItemToCart` - Created new export `addCartItem` helper funciton; - This will be a helper function to see if newly added items exist in the cart already. - Therefore will know how to handle the quantity inside in the cart. - (i.e. - if product exists in the cart: plus quantity by 1, else add item to the cart) 3. ##### Added CartItem into the Cart-Dropdown component - Imported the `Cart-Item` compnent - Imported the `useContext` & `Cart.Context` - From the CartContext I used destructuring to get the `cartItems` - In the return, created a function to map over the cartItems πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€” - Wrapped the above in a ternary conditional using `cartItems.length` - if there is a length, return the above - if there is no length, thus empty = return a message cart is empty - added styling for empty cart message. 4. ##### Updated Button functionality in Product.Card Component - Imported `useContext` & `Cart.Context` - Added the `AddItemToCart` method via destructing from `Cart.Context` - In the Button, - added onClick handler to call the `AddItemToCart` as a fucntion - passing the `product` through the function - In Hindsight I took the above button function and made it a function called `addProductToCart` - Then passed it into the onClick Handler (better for readability and optimization)

    ### 1.13 Adding count to the Cart.Icon
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    1. ##### Initial Approach - Created a simple count of the items - Created an empty array - Created a for loop to loop over cartItems and extract the quantity and push to the empty array - Using reducer to get the total of the array This is working, however in hindsight I might want to be able to use this functionality in the checkout.(still to be built) "If an item should be removed from the cart ( this functionality has not yet been implemented), the number should decrease." It would be better if this functionality was in the cart.context. It could also be solved by using the useEffect Hook Back to the drawing board - lets undo this messy approach. 2. ##### Second Attempt - using useEffect Because we are recounting the total quantity every time the `cartItems` changes, it makes sense to use the useEffect Hook. - Imported useEffect - Added `cartItemCount` (default 0) to CartContext - Added `[cartItemCount, setCartItemCount] = useState(0);` - Using the useEffect - dependancy = `[cartItems]` - created `count` using the reduce method - `total` + `cartItem.quantity` - `setCartItemCount` using the `count` funciton - Added the `cartItemCount` to the value to be passed into the provider 3. ##### Finally, adding the `cartItemCount` to Cart.Icon - Added `carItemCount` via destructuring - Using the above in the span inside the `ShoppingIcon`

    ### 1.14 Create a checkout page
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    #### Creating a route for the checkout page - [] The _Checkout Button_ in the _Cart.Icon-DropDown_ should take you to this new page 1. ###### Creating a new folder in Routes Folder - Created a simple `checkout.component.jsx ` - Created and imported an empty scss style sheet (updated with styling later ) - In the main `App.jsx` ; - imported the checkout component - added a route to the new checkout component - In the `cart-dropdown` ; - imported the `useNavigate` from `react-dom-router`; - had to create a const that calls the useNavigate πŸ€” - created a `gotToCheckoutHandler` to handle the navigation to new component - Used onClick method to call `goToCheckoutHandler` - Scaffolded the `checkout.component` return (productsm descruotion etc.) - Added some basic styling to the scss #### This new page should have the following functionality and styling : - [x] Quantity Increase - [x] Quantity Decrease - [x] Total Price (Quantity x Price) - [x] Ability to remove the item entirely (Item and Quantity) - [x] Total Amount of all Items in the Cart. 2. ##### Think of a way to pass Items in Cart into the Checkout πŸ€” Need to create a way to pass the products in the cart into the Checkout... These items will need to be passed into a row/card sort of way... What I am thinking is I can map over the cartItems and pass them into a checkoutCard component (thats imported in this checkout.component) 3. ##### Creating a `CheckoutItem Component` to receive `cartItems` and display them in the `CheckOut-Component` page - Created a simple `checkout.component.jsx ` - Created and imported an empty scss style sheet (updated with styling later) πŸ€” I am going to neeed some new functions to handle the: - increasing and decreasing the quantity - removing the item from the cart - Destructured the `cartItems` Objects (name, image etc.) - Imported `CartContext` - Destructured the function from `CartContext` (inlcuding newly created) - Created handlers to pass `CartContext` funcitons into the return - Finished creating the return - Finished the basic styling for the component 4. ##### Adding new functions to the `CartContext` - `removeItemToCart` (I want this to be named similaryly to the `addItemToCart` ) - find the cart item to remove - check if this is the last item - if so remove entire item from cart - If more than 1 of this item in cart, -return back cartitems with matching cart item with reduced quantity - `clearItemFromCart` - Remove entire Item from the cart - updated the `CartContext` export - updated the `CartProvider` export - updating `cartItemCount` and `SetCartItemCount` to `cartCount` and `setCartCount` - added `cartTotal` - minor naming updates to the `newCartCount` - `useEffect` - added useEffect to handle the cost of the total cart - minor naming updates to `addItemToCart` - added `removeItemToCart` - added `clearITemFromCart` - updated the values accordingly - Getting the total cost of an item. (Quantity x Price) 5. ##### Updating the Checkout Page to use new Component - Imported `useContext` & `CartContext` - Used `cartItems` from `CartContext` via destructuring 5. ##### Other Minor Changes - Updating the CartIcon with changes made to Context 6. ##### Created styling for all the new components

    ### 1.15 Storing the data on the backend - Setting up FireStoreDB
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    1. #### Adding some new mock data - As a test run I am going to add a bit more mock data with different types (i.e. Mens, Jackets, Shoes etc.) - Updating the `shop-data` json file - Reflecting changes in `products.context` (Temporarily breaks the shop page but after pushing the data up we will access the data via FireSotre)
    2. #### Creating a way to push this data to the FireStore DB ##### In the `FireBase.utils`; - Bringing in two new methods - [collections]( - [writeBatch]( - Created a `addCollectionandDocuments` function - This is an async function that will take two params - `key` - this wll be the name of the collection - `object` - this will be the data - Obviously uses the `batch` and `collection` methods - As this could be a large file, it's broken into batches to be sent - Await's a batch.commit() in return
    ##### In the `Products.Context` ; - Imported the new `SHOP_DATA` - Imported teh new `addCollectionandDocuments` - Imported teh `useEffect` Hook - Using the useEffect as I only want this to run literally once, thus commenting out after it's single use - Passing in product-categories as the key - Passing in SHOP_DATA as the object - I realise this is not a normal way to push data but I just need to push some data up there one time and it gets the job done. - Saving - confirming the useEffect and function worked - it Did! - Commenting out the useEffect
    3. #### Pulling our data from the FireBase DB ; ##### In the `FireBase.utils`; - Bringing in the [querey]( method - Created a `getCategoriesAndDocuments` function - definining the `collectionRef` we want access too - using the `querey` on our `collectionRef` - creating a const for the raw data - manipulating the data to return in a format we can work with
    ##### In the `Products.Context` ; - Imported the new `getCategoriesAndDocuments` function - Created a useEffect Hook to fetch the data - async function - returns the categoryMap - Checking the console log if everything worked

    ### 1.16 Implementing new FireStore Database
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    1. #### Utilizing the `CategoryMap` data - In the `ProductsContext` - renaminng the file from `ProductsContext` to `CategoriesContext` - updating `main.jsx` to reflect change - updating the `shop.component` to reflect change (more required)
    - renaming some of the exports - makes more sense now; - `ProductsContext` to `CategoriesContext` - `ProducstProvider` to `CategoriesProvider`
    - updating functions to reflect `categoriesMap` as an object - updating return values to reflect name changes
    - updating the useEffect Hook; - include `setCategoriesMap` function using (`CategoryMap`)
    2. #### Updating the `shop.component` return structure - updated to reflect name change of `ProductsContext` - Created a method to map through data from FireStore db. - Used `Fragment` to wrap the entire return - Used `Object.keys` to turn keys into an array - Then mapped over the array to find the title - Passed the tile into another `fragment` - created heading for category item - copy pasted the old mapping function for each product - Updated naming convention to utilise `categoriesMap`

    ### 1.17 Created Category Preview Component :
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    This is how I will have the shop page display all the categories with a limited number of items ... - In the new `category-preview.component`; - Imported the `Product.Card` component and `StylesSheet`. - Passing in the `{title, products}` - Created a heading div with just the text being clickable - Creating the preview of products - passed in the products - using filter to decided what products we want - use `_` to ignore product - use `idx` for the index of the prouduct - `idx < 4` so we only take in the first 4 products - then map through the remainging products and pas them into the `Product.Card Component`
    - In the `shop.component`; - replaced the `ProductCard` import with the new `category-preview.component` -

    #### Created Nested Routes in the shop :
    #### In the `App.jsx` ;
    - Added `/*` as a wildcard to the end of the shop path
    #### In the `Routes` folder :
    Created `categories-preview` folder - This will replace what was formly the shop.route - Essentially a copy paste from the shop component - Minor changes to make use of the `category-preview` component Created `category` folder - Created Style sheet blank, will complete later - Imported the `{ useParams }` hook from `react-router-dom` - destructuring `category` via `useParams()` hook - Imported the `{ useContext }` hook from `react` - Imported the `CategoriesContext` in order to get the `categoriesMap` (i.e. all the data)
    Initally I just got all the data from the `categoriesMap` const products = categoriesMap[category];
    However this was causing an issue in that this was re-loading all the products on each re-render. This making things slow and sluggish - products would dissapear and have to reload.

    The solution... Using the `useEffect` and `useState` hook's This way we can ensure the data will only rerender on our terms. Specifcally when the category changes or if the actual data changes (from `categoriesmap`) const [products, setProducts] = useState(categoriesMap[category]);

    useEffect(() => { setProducts(categoriesMap[category]); }, [category, categoriesMap]); Finally, - Imported the `ProductContainer` - Added basic styling to the styles sheet

    #### In the `shop.component` :
    - Deleted almost all the no longer needed imports - Imported `CategoriesPreview` & `Category` components - Created paths for the different categories `path=':category' element={}`

    ### [BUGFIX] - Creating a safegaurd for the
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    The error: cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map') in `catergory.components`
    The issue was that when our application mounts for the first time it is trying to load our categoriesMap (i.e. the data from the back end ) Obviously this is async code and we are still waiting for the data to come through Therefore we need to only load this data once it has arrived.

    Luckily this was an easy fix after I figured out the issue, - In the return of the `catergory.components`; To ensure that products exists before we map over the products we can use `&&` and have the products - Also updated the useStat hook to instead of being a default empty array, to infact include the `(categoriesMap[category])`

    ### [BUGFIX] - Clashing Styling
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    The error: cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map') in `catergory.components`
    Because of how we named some of our classes and how the website has changed over time, currently we have some classnames that are clashing
    Simple solution:
    - Updated the naming convention of the `category-item` to `directory-item` - Updated the styling and classnames - Updated corresponding references.

    ### [BUGFIX] - Clickable Category Headings
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    The problem:
    category headings are not routing through to their corresponding path
    Simple solution:
    - Importing the Link method from react-router-dom - Replacing the `span` with `Link` - Passing in the title with backticks - Minor updates to classnames and styling to prevent clashing

    ## 2. Switching from SASS to Styled-components
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    ### Imported the library into the project [Styled-components Documentation]( `npm install styled-components` *Now comes the fun of converting all the previouse scss files ....* ### COMPONENTS - [x] button - [x] cart-dropdown - [x] cart-icon - [x] cart-item - [x] category-preview - [x] Checkout-item - [x] directory - [x] directory-item - [x] form-input - [x] product-card - [x] sign-in-form - [x] sign-up-form
    ### ROUTES - [x] navigation - [x] authentication - [x] categories-preview - [x] category - [x] checkout - [x] home - [x] shop
    ### INDEX - [x] index
    This took way too long, however it served its purpose and now I have a very solid understanding of both SASS and Styled-Components and feel very comofortable using either or. I still think tailwind might be my personal choice, especially in terms of time spent on implementation. However, styled-components do have their advantages, particularly in providing more styling customization, that being said Tailwind does more than enough. - Strictly converted the exisiting `.scss` files - Some other features/updates required *(reffering to new components)* - Future updates to styling will be updated according to styled-components.

    ## 3. Refactoring the UI
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    **THE GOAL** The objective is to create an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly interface that aligns with contemporary design trends while enhancing usability and engagement.
    **Major UI Update** Refactored the user interface of the website Involved the following: - implementing substantial design enhancements to improve aesthetics, readability, and user experience. - Overhauled the visual design, optimized layout and typography, and enhanced usability. - Employed modern design principles, intuitive interactions, and visually appealing elements to elevate the website's visual appeal. - Optimized the information hierarchy to ensure a seamless user journey.
    New Componenets added: - [x] Footer - [x] Front Splash - [x] Image Carousel - [x] About Page

    ## 4. State Management Methods
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    **THE GOAL** I really wanted to get a firm grasp on different state management techniques in React - Therefore I have gone through the steps of using and converting the following: - useState & useEffect hooks - useReducer's - Redux-thunk - Redux-saga Next I will convert this enitre app (and Redux-Saga to use TypeScript)
    ### 4.1 - Implementing useReducer instead of useState & useEffect
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    Converted the cart to rather use reducers instead of useState and useEffect - Cart and Sign-in Files touched in the process: - CartContext - UserContext Created a reducer utils folder with a very simple helper function making reading and writing slightly easier

    ### 4.2 - Implementing Redux with Redux-Thunk
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    I have been given the advice to learn redux the hard way and not use the redux toolkit until I fully understand Redux. I have been told that to fully understand what redux is doing I should implement using the legacy Redux way. So that's what I will do - I will first convert this website to manage the state using Redux, then later I will do the same with Redux Toolkit npm install redux react-redux and redux-logger Creating a store folder to house all the redux related content - Setting up the root reducer & store.js - Creating the user store boiler plate code - Creating the categories boiler plate code - Creating the cart store boiler plate code - Updating the App.jsx and Main.jsx to utilize redux - replacing usercontext. - Hooking into and replacing references from useContext to useRedux - Updating Selectors for the cart state. #### Redux-Persist & Redux-Thunk ##### Persisting state with Redux Persist [redux persist documentation]( `npm i redux-persist` - modifications to our store.js file to use Redux Persist - replaced the value of the reducer property in the store from userReducer to persistedReducer - modifcation to the main.jsx, wrapped root component with PersistGate. This delays the rendering of your app's UI until your persisted state has been retrieved and saved to redux. NOTE the PersistGate loading prop can be null, or any react instance, e.g. loading={} - included the Thunk middleware, which will intercept and stop non-serializable values in action before they get to the reducer - passed our store as a parameter to persistStore, which is the function that persists and rehydrates the state. With this function, our store will be saved to the local storage, and even after a browser refresh, our data will still remain. - Specify how the incoming state is merged - Customize what’s persisted #### Redux Thunk [Redux-Thunk]( If I was using the Redux Toolkit package, there would be nothing to install - RTK's configureStore API already adds the thunk middleware by default. But because I am using the basic Redux createStore API and need to set this up manually, I first need to add the redux-thunk package: `npm install redux-thunk` - updated the Redux store to use the MiddleWare - Created a function that makes an AJAX call to FireBase Server - Updating the `Main.jsx` - Creating a loading-spinner componenet - Updating the category actions and types types - Rewriting the category reducer & updating selectors - Implementing the loading animation in category componenets

    ### 4.3 - Replacing Redux-Thunk with Redux-Saga
    Click here to see more:
    [Redux-Saga Documentation]( `npm install redux-saga` - Creating a `root-saga.js` file in the `store` - Importing and setting up `createSagaMiddleware` and the `root-saga.js` into the store. Converting Categories State files into a Saga - Creating New Types - Creating New Actions - Updating Selectors & Reducers - Creating the Saga file - Setting up `cateforeis.saga.js` file - Importing into the `root-saga` file - Converting fetchCategoriesAsynch Function (Redux-Thunk) into a a Saga - Converting onAuthStateChanged Listener to Promise - Creating a single check, opposed to a listener checking the state every time user state updates Converting User Session files into Saga - Creating New Types - Creating New Actions - Updating Selectors & Reducers - Creating the Saga file - Updating the sign-in and sign-up component - Updating the navigation componenet

    ## 5. Setting up Stripe API
    Click here to see more:
    [STIPE API DOCUMENTATION]( [Stripe Elements]( [Stripe Test Cards](
    `npm install --save @stripe/react-stripe-js @stripe/stripe-js` - Creating an Elements provider in the `main.jsx` - Creating a `stripe.utils.js` file in the utils folder - importing loadStripe - passing the publishable key (hiddent) - Creating a `.env` folder for the API keys - Created a Local Neltify Development Server - for testing purpose - `npm install netlify-cli -g` - [NETLIFY CLI]( - Creating Netlify Functions folder - Creating a payment-form component (basic) - Building the basic layout of the component - Creating and Importing styling - Imported `CardElement, useStripe, useElements` from `stripe` - Created payment handler - preventDefault method - ensure hooks are loaded before proceeded - Call to API through netlify functions - Alert for success of failure (temporary) - Using selectors to get: - CartTotal (amount to pay) - User's name (else defaults to guest) - Used useState for Processing Payment Animation - Created loading animation on button - Updated button component and styling - Rendering the componenet in the checkout section (temporary for testing)

    ## 6. Converting to TypeScript 🍞
    Click here to see more:

    ### Convert an existing **[Vite + React + JavaScript]** --> **TypeScript**
    [How to add typescript to an existing vite react app](
    #### **Step 1/6** Install dev dependencies ``` npm install -D typescript @types/react @types/react-dom ```
    #### **Step 2/6** In packages.json, replace: `"build": "vite build"` With πŸ‘‡ `"build": "tsc && vite build"`
    #### **Step 3/6** Rename vite.config.js and main.jsx to vite.config.ts and main.tsx
    #### **Step 4/6** Configure TypeScript by creating these two files in the root of your project: `tsconfig.json` ``` { "compilerOptions": { "target": "ESNext", "useDefineForClassFields": true, "lib": ["DOM", "DOM.Iterable", "ESNext"], "allowJs": false, "skipLibCheck": true, "esModuleInterop": false, "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, "strict": true, "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true, "module": "ESNext", "moduleResolution": "Node", "resolveJsonModule": true, "isolatedModules": true, "noEmit": true, "jsx": "react-jsx" }, "include": ["src"], "references": [{ "path": "./tsconfig.node.json" }] } ``` `tsconfig.node.json` ``` { "compilerOptions": { "composite": true, "module": "ESNext", "moduleResolution": "Node", "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true }, "include": ["vite.config.ts"] } ```
    #### **Step 5/6** Create a file named `vite-env.d.ts` inside the src/ folder and copy and paste this (with the three slashes at the beginning): ``` /// ` ```
    #### **Step 6/6** In your `index.html` you should change the name of your script from the old `main.jsx` to `main.tsx` like this: ``` ```

    ### Converting Redux --> **TypeScript**
    [How to Migrate a React App to TypeScript](
    #### Converting `reducer.utils` :
    - Importing `AnyActon` from redux - Creating 'types' for ActionWithPayload and Action (without payload) - Using Function overloading: ``` allows a single function name to have multiple definitions with different parameter lists or return types. It enables you to create multiple versions of a function that can handle different argument types or numbers. ``` - created the function createAction for the - ActionWithPayload and - Action *(without payload)* - obviously have the function return `{ type, payload }`
    **TYPE PROBLEM / BUG πŸ™ˆ** So coming accross an issue with `categoriesReducer` and `categories.actions` and that is that this is actually not 'type safe'. ``` Uncaught error: The slice reducer for key 'categories' retunred underfined durin initialization. If the state passsed to the reducer is undefined, you must acplicitly return the initial state. The iniitial state may not be undefined. ``` Further note: No error is being thrown , even if there is no default state **Solution : 😊** Need to extend the action creators so that they can be doing the type checking for us - using the .match method Therefore in the `reducer.utils` file : - creating a "matcher" that will match the 'action creator' with the return type of the 'action' itself. - using function overloading creating `withMatcher` functions - 1. - 2. - 3. - In the `categories.actions` : - Importing the `withMatcher` function and wrapping around each of the action creators - updating the switch casae (now using classical if conditionals)
    This has been a really intense way to write this app and I have been told that redux and typescript can be the most challenging part in the front-end world as it requires a good understanding of various methadologies. For example - TypeGuards - .math method - Magical Types - Type Predicate Functions - Intersection and Return Types - Overloading Functions - etc...

    #### Converting `Categories` :
    - Conveting the `categories.types` to `.ts`: - using an enum type for the different action types - creating a categories array type - requires custom CategoryItem type - as an array
    - Converting `categories.action` to `.ts`: - Requires categories array type - created in & imported from the `categories.types` file - Import { CreateAction, Action and ActionWithPayload } from the `reducer.utils` file - Creating Types for the different ACTION_TYPES - depending on weather Action/ActionWithPayload - Updating the code to make use of the newly created Types - Reducer can only accept these Action_TYPES types - therefore created a union type with these three Action's
    - Converting `categories.reducer` to `.ts`: - Importing in the CategoryAction (union) from the categories.action: - Discriminating union - [what is this?]( - Typing our the Categories state - amending on what the switch case key is and using AnyAction to match the `action` with the different `types`
    - Converting `categories.selector` to `.ts`: - importing `CategoriesState` from `reducer`, shape of the state reffering to category state. - TypeScrip will then infer the rest of the state calls - Creating type for `CategoryMap` in `category.types` and importing - For the `selectCategoriesMap`: - Type the `categories` to use the `CategoryMap` type - use `as CategoryMap` as a type assertion for the final resulting object
    I will convert the sagas at the end - this looks complicated.

    #### Converting `Cart` :
    - Conveting the `cart.types` to `.ts`: - using an enum type for the different action types - creating a custom CartItem Type (extended from the CategoryITem from the categories.types)
    - Conveting the `cart.actions` to `.ts`: - Updating the helper functions - typing - Creating types for the `setIsCartOpen` & `SetCartItems` - Creating withMatch for `setIsCartOpen` & `setCartItems` - Typing the variables in the Adding, Removing and Clearing Cart Items
    - Conveting the `cart.reducer` to `.ts`: - Importing relevant files `AnyAction`, `CartItem` and the `setCartItems, setIsCartOpen` - Typing out the `CartState` - amending on what the switch case key is and using AnyAction to match the `action` with the different `types`
    - Conveting the `cart.selector` to `.ts`: - importing the `CartState` form the `CartReducer` - Making minor amendments tot the createSelectors: "type"

    #### Converting `Firebase` *(prerequisite to user-redux)* :
    - updating `addCollectionAndDocuments`: - Typing out the function - Becuase `objectToAdd` could be an array of almost anything - creating a `ObjectToAdd` type with the one known item which is a title (as string) - then adding `` - thus making our `objectToAdd` as `T[]` - becuase this will be a promise that returns nothing giving it a type `promise`
    - updating the `getCategoriesAndDocuments`: - Typing out the function - This function is returning our Category Data - we have already created a type for this `Category` - importing this type from `category.types` file - Because this is a promise the type we get back will be `Promise` - While I know what data we are getting back from this 3rd-party-API (firebase)- TypeScript does not - Therefore need cast the value - return statement need to tell TS that returning a `Category`
    - updating the `createUserDocumentFormAuth` - for the `userAuth` so firebase actually gives us a type here called `user` - import the `User` from firebase - `userAuth: User` - `additionalInformation` which in this website's current state is just a display name - creating a type `AdditionalInformation` - because displayname can be optional will use a `?` - `displayname? : string;` - This function is returning all the usersData OR nothing (logging out) - Firestore has/provides a typed `QueryDocumentSnapshot` - importing this type - requires `` - Creating `UserData` type - createdAt, displayName, email - funciton will be return a promise of this data or nothing - include in the top `Promise>` - and casting the return of `userSnapshot as QueryDocumentSnapshot` - Handleing the catch.error - cannot get the error.message without typing our the error. - path of least resistance would just have the whole error printed out
    - For the `createAuthUserWithEmailAndPassword` & `signInAuthUserWithEmailAndPassword` functions - typing the inputs - because this is returning a firebase type it already infers the type - `Promise` auto completed by firebase
    - For the `SignOutUser` the same as the above it is inferred by Firebase - `signOut(auth: Auth): Promise`
    - For the `onAuthStateChangedListener` which is an observer function - Once again Firebase provides a type for this callback being `NextOrObserver` - *Type definition for an event callback* - import from firebase - type the callback as this `NextOrObserver` - our event being calledback is obviously the ``
    - For the `getCurrentUser` fucntion that returns our user or nothing at all - fucntion returns `: Promise`

    #### Converting `user` :
    - Conveting the `user.types` to `.ts`: - creating an enum for all the different action type names
    - Conveting the `user.actions` to `.ts`: - Importing `AdditionalInformation` & `UserData` - Importing `createAction` & `Action` & `ActionWithPayload` & `withMatch` - now converting all the various actions - typing the return statement - typing params - using withMatcher
    - Conveting the `user.reducer` to `.ts`: - Importing relevant actions - Typing out the `UserState` - amending on what the switch case key is and using AnyAction to match the `action` with the different `types`
    - Conveting the `user.selector` to `.ts`: - importing the `CreateSelector` and `UserState` - Adding the type state to the reducer and amending fixing the return to work with typescript - Creating a `selectCurrentUser` Selector.

    #### Typing `RootReducer`, `Root-State` & `Custom-Middleware` :
    `Root-reducer.js` --> **TypeScript** - Very simple to do as everything is already typed - Converting the file extention to `.ts`
    `store.js` --> **TypeScript** - typing out the rootstate - using `ReturnType` - `ReturnType` is because each one of these reducers are just functions - We cant simply just pass the `rootReducer` as this will result in an error - instead we need to get the type and if we look at the type of rootReducer its actually a combination of all the different reducers. - Now we can export this RootState to all our other reducers (in the various selectors where we called state) and our `state` type will now be the new `RootState` type. - importing the RootState type to the following: - store - cart - user - Getting a type error `__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__` - This happening because we are extending on the window type - declare global with interface window withour extention `__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__` - This is an optional key so using a `?` in the statement - This is a type of compose and therefore `typeof compose`
    `middleware` --> **TypeScript** - Import warning on 3rd party redux-logger - Need to import the @types for the 3rd party redux-logger - - `npm install @types/redux-logger` - Typing out the Custom Middleware - `import { Middleware } from "redux"` - > empty object in this case - `import { RootState } from '../store'` - Simply add a type to the Middleware using the newly imported states

    #### Typing `Redux-Saga` :
    This was rather challenging at first but these two resources helped significantly: [TypeScript and Redux Sagas]( [Implement Redux-Saga in your React TypeScript Project]( **Importing** `typed-redux-saga` & `babel-plugin-macros` - `npm install --dev babel-plugin-macros` - `npm install @types/redux-logger` - Fixing linting issues - *got some help with this*: - In the `tsconfig.json`, under 'compiler' settings, adding the following to help handle error warnings: - ` "downlevelIteration" : true, ` - [downlevelIteration explained](
    `categories.saga.js` --> **TypeScript** - Using `yield*` instead of the yield - [How yield* works](*) - typing my `errors as Erros`
    `user.saga.js` --> **TypeScript** - Using `yield*` same as above - Importing variouse `action`(types) and types from the `firebase.utils` - Involved quite a bit of typing and - Had to add some conditionals to get everything to be type safe - typing my `errors as Erros`
    Futher I found some missing types in my `firebase.utils` and `user.actions`, so had to fix those to get things working

    ### Converting Components & Routes --> **TypeScript**
    **Converting `styling.jsx`** Adding the types library for styled components - npm install @types/styled-components
    In order of completion: **List of Components to Convert** - [x] button - [x] form-input - [x] signin-form - [x] signup-form - [x] carticon - [x] cartdropdown - [x] cartitem - [x] product-card - [x] spinner - [x] footer - [x] payment-form - [x] categorypreview - [x] checkoutitem - [x] directory - [x] directoryitem - [x] front-splash - [x] carousel **List of Routes to Convert** - [x] navigation - [x] category - [x] about - [x] authentication - [x] categories-preview - [x] checkout - [x] home - [x] shop

    ## 7. Simple Perormance Optimizations - Using useCallback - Using useMemo - Creating Dynamic Imports with: Suspense and Lazy ## ## 8. Migrating to Modern Redux 🎯🎯🎯
    Click here to see more:
    [Redux Toolkit Documentation]( [Migrating to Modern Redux](

    ## ## 9. Running the project on Netlify 🎯 🎯 🎯
    Click here to see more: