DevriX / tues-interns-2020

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Local Setup

  1. Set-up LAMP Stack on your machine - You can check this guide
  2. Create a table from phpmyadmin/workbench or whatever suits you best
  3. Set-up your hosts. Go to '/etc/hosts' ( 'c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts' for Windows ) and add a new entry for Carmag at the localhost IP. example:
  4. Now, when you open this url you should be able to see the main folder of the localhost server
  5. Set-up Apache server to open the proper folder. Edit the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file ( 'apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf' for Windows ) Example of server configuration rules :
    #Example config for Carmag

<VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot /server/directory/here/ ServerName ServerAlias <Directory /var/www/html/directory/> AllowOverride All Order allow,deny allow from all

6. Restart the server in order to see your changes `sudo service apache2 restart`
7. Change permissions to  777 recursively for the directory: `sudo chmod -R 777`
8. Download WP inside the server's directory. Either from []( or via [wp-cli](
9. Delete `wp-content` directory
10. Clone the repository in temp directory
11. Transfer the files from the tmp directory to the main directory of the site. Mind the git files that are hidden!
12. Open the site and set-up the needed details. Use easy login details. It's you local installation after all.
13. Edit `wp-config.php.` Make sure to have `WP_DEBUG` constant set to true!
14. You should be all set now!

## Deployment steps
In the root directory, there is a `deploy.php` file with some basic commands. You can execute a deployment, pulling the latest master by visiting `url/deploy.php`.

If you want to deploy to our staging, you can open [](

## Pulling the latest staging database
We have created a small PHP script `db-dump.php`. When you open `url/db-dump.php` and enter the following username and password `dxinterns/dxinterns1`, we'll run a quick PHP script, generating the latest database and you'll be able to download a SQL file.

Keep in mind this is going to dump the database from the staging, which has different URL, in our case [](
When you import the database, you'll need to update two rows:
`wp_options.home` and `wp_options.siteurl`.

The eaiest approach would be to add this on your `wp-config.php` file:

define( 'WP_HOME', '' ); define( 'WP_SITEURL', '' );