DevvitIO / ReallyAnnoyingDirectory

Open collab for a directory of really 'awful' front-end pages.
MIT License
29 stars 44 forks source link
beginner development easy web webdevelopment

ReallyAnnoyingDirectory - Introduction Project

A directory of really 'awful' front-end pages.

No Style guide requirements.

Template Provided.

Write as much or as little as you want.


What we're doing here is giving everyone regardless of skill level a chance to contribute to a repository without being terrified of things like styleguides, making people mad (it's kind of the point), and all the other things that come with big scary stuff normally associated with first time collaborations like trying to make stuff with people you've never met who definintely probably maybe know more than you.

To put it simply, It's designed to be difficult to fuck this up from a new person's perspective. While being 'fun' for everyone.

Getting Started

Suggested Reading for those new to github

Are You Completely New?

Are you Sort of new?

Template.html in the subDirectory folder contains a basic page's requirements.

Every file that you see that ends with .md is just a text file anyone can read. If you accidentally delete one, it's not a big deal.

If you want to add an .html page/file to the directory, you can simply make a copy of the template located within the subDirectory, rename it and then make a pull request with your file added into the subDirectory.

Come hang out with us at our Discord channel here:

Contributing Requirements



Additional QAs

Q. Halp what is a bad website?

Q. Can I work on this 'Issue'?

So, lets say you stop by the issues tab and see something that you'd like to work on. You look a little further and see that someone said they're working on it already. Maybe nobody has commented on it yet but you're still not sure if you can work on it. So here are some guidelines for you.

The reason being is that I don't anyone to feel like they can't work on an issue. This project is supposed to be extremely new contributor friendly. So if things overlap, that is absolutely fine I'll do my best to incorporate all the code if possible.

For other QAs Check the Wiki

You can also ask me a question in the Discord if you want to know something else.

Feature Suggestions

New Feature suggestions are welcome and encouraged, Create a new issue if you have a feature suggestion.

Alternatively, you can tweet suggestions at me


Also if you want to talk about this project with other developers you can join the Discord
