Dhravya / cloudflare-saas-stack

Quickly make and deploy full-stack apps with database, auth, styling, storage etc. figured out for you. Add all primitives you want.
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cloudflare cloudflare-saas-stack

🚀 Full-Stack Cloudflare SaaS Kit

Build and deploy scalable products on Cloudflare with ease.

An opinionated, batteries-included starter kit for quickly building and deploying SaaS products on Cloudflare. This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with c3.

This is the same stack used to build Supermemory.ai which is open source at git.new/memory

Supermemory now has 20k+ users and it runs on $5/month. safe to say, it's very effective.

The stack includes:

Getting Started

  1. Make sure that you have Wrangler installed. And also that you have logged in with wrangler login (You'll need a Cloudflare account)

  2. Clone the repository and install dependencies:

    git clone https://github.com/Dhravya/cloudflare-saas-stack
    cd cloudflare-saas-stack
    npm i -g bun
    bun install
    bun run setup
  3. Run the development server:

    bun run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Cloudflare Integration

Besides the dev script, c3 has added extra scripts for Cloudflare Pages integration:

Note: While the dev script is optimal for local development, you should preview your Pages application periodically to ensure it works properly in the Pages environment.


Cloudflare Bindings allow you to interact with Cloudflare Platform resources. You can use bindings during development, local preview, and in the deployed application.

For detailed instructions on setting up bindings, refer to the Cloudflare documentation.

Database Migrations

Quick explaination of D1 set up:

To generate migrations files:

To apply database migrations:

To inspect database:

Cloudflare R2 Bucket CORS / File Upload

Don't forget to add the CORS policy to the R2 bucket. The CORS policy should look like this:

    "AllowedOrigins": [
    "AllowedMethods": [
    "AllowedHeaders": [
    "ExposeHeaders": [

You can now even set up object upload.

Manual Setup

If you prefer manual setup:

  1. Create a Cloudflare account and install Wrangler CLI.
  2. Create a D1 database: bunx wrangler d1 create ${dbName}
  3. Create a .dev.vars file in the project root with your Google OAuth credentials and NextAuth secret.
    1. AUTH_SECRET, generate by command openssl rand -base64 32 or bunx auth secret
    2. AUTH_GOOGLE_ID and AUTH_GOOGLE_SECRET for google oauth.
      1. First create OAuth consent screen. Tips: no wait time if you skip logo upload.
      2. Create credential. Put https://your-domain and http://localhost:3000 at "Authorized JavaScript origins". Put https://your-domain/api/auth/callback/google and http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/google at "Authorized redirect URIs".
  4. Generate db migration files: bun run db:generate
  5. Run local migration: bunx wrangler d1 execute ${dbName} --local --file=migrations/0000_setup.sql or using drizzle bun run db:migrate:dev
  6. Run remote migration: bunx wrangler d1 execute ${dbName} --remote --file=migrations/0000_setup.sql or using drizzle bun run db:migrate:prod
  7. Start development server: bun run dev
  8. Deploy: bun run deploy

The Beauty of This Stack

Just change your Cloudflare account ID in the project settings, and you're good to go!