DiUS / pact-consumer-swift

A Swift / ObjeciveC DSL for creating pacts.
MIT License
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Improve swiftlint reporting #90

Closed andrewspinks closed 4 years ago

andrewspinks commented 4 years ago

When there is a linting issue while running in travis-ci, the output is hidden in the build log file. This makes it hard to identify what went wrong and can make it confusing and frustrating for contributors.

surpher commented 4 years ago

Might be xcpretty being dumb. Maybe we should try with [xcbeautify](https://github.com/thii/xcbeautify). I'm not sure if it is available on TravisCI.org mac runners bu default though.

In scripts/build.sh the command to build and test ... xcodebuild ... | xcbeautify instead of | xcpretty -c