DiUS / pact-consumer-swift

A Swift / ObjeciveC DSL for creating pacts.
MIT License
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Pact Consumer Swift

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A new version featuring Pact Specification v3, a simplified installation and better management of the mock server processes is in active development and can be found at PactSwift. We are currently looking for people to try it out and provide feedback.

This library provides a Swift / Objective C DSL for creating Consumer Pacts. It provides support for Consumer Driven Contract Testing between dependent systems where the integration is based on HTTP (or message queues for some of the implementations).

But why? To test communication boundaries between your app and services. You can view a presentation on how Pact can work in a mobile context here: Yow! Connected 2016 Andrew Spinks - Increasing The Confidence In Your Service Integrations.

Implements Pact Specification v2, including flexible matching.

This DSL relies on the Ruby pact-ruby-standalone (brew tap) to provide the mock service for the tests.


Note: see Upgrading for notes on upgrading from 0.2 to 0.3

Install Pact Mock Service


brew tap pact-foundation/pact-ruby-standalone
brew install pact-ruby-standalone

This will install the following tools:



Alternatively you can download and install the pact-ruby-standalone archives for your platform and install as per installation instructions written in Pact Ruby Standalone release notes.

Xcode Setup

In Xcode, edit your scheme and add pre- and post-actions to Test to start and stop pact-mock-service. Make sure you select your target in Provide build settings from the drop down menu.

# Pre-actions
pact-mock-service start --pact-specification-version 2.0.0 --log "${SRCROOT}/tmp/pact.log" --pact-dir "${SRCROOT}/tmp/pacts" -p 1234

# Post-actions
pact-mock-service stop

Note: your generated Pact files will be dropped into "${SRCROOT}/tmp/pacts" folder.

Xcode Scheme Test Pre-actions

Add the PactConsumerSwift library to your project

Using Carthage

Using CocoaPods

Using Swift Package Manager

Writing Pact Tests

Testing with Swift

Write a Unit test similar to the following (NB: this example is using the Quick test framework)

import PactConsumerSwift

  beforeEach {
    animalMockService = MockService(provider: "Animal Service", consumer: "Animal Consumer Swift")
    animalServiceClient = AnimalServiceClient(baseUrl: animalMockService!.baseUrl)

  it("gets an alligator") {
    animalMockService!.given("an alligator exists")
                      .uponReceiving("a request for an alligator")
                      .withRequest(method:.GET, path: "/alligator")
                                       headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json"],
                                       body: ["name": "Mary"])

    //Run the tests
    animalMockService!.run { (testComplete) -> Void in
      animalServiceClient!.getAlligator { (alligator) in

An optional timeout (seconds) parameter can be included on the run function. This defaults to 30 seconds.

    animalMockService!.run(timeout: 60) { (testComplete) -> Void in
      animalServiceClient!.getAlligator { (alligator) in

Testing with Objective-C

Write a Unit test similar to the following

@import PactConsumerSwift;
- (void)setUp {
  [super setUp];
  self.animalMockService = [[MockService alloc] initWithProvider:@"Animal Provider"
                                                        consumer:@"Animal Service Client Objective-C"];
  self.animalServiceClient = [[OCAnimalServiceClient alloc] initWithBaseUrl:self.animalMockService.baseUrl];

- (void)testGetAlligator {
  typedef void (^CompleteBlock)();

  [[[[self.animalMockService given:@"an alligator exists"]
                             uponReceiving:@"oc a request for an alligator"]
                                             query:nil headers:nil body:nil]
                                               headers:@{@"Content-Type": @"application/json"}
                                                  body: @"{ \"name\": \"Mary\"}" ];

  [self.animalMockService run:^(CompleteBlock testComplete) {
      Animal *animal = [self.animalServiceClient getAlligator];
      XCTAssertEqualObjects(animal.name, @"Mary");

An optional timeout (seconds) parameter can be included on the run function. This defaults to 30 seconds.

  [self.animalMockService run:^(CompleteBlock testComplete) {
      Animal *animal = [self.animalServiceClient getAlligator];
      XCTAssertEqualObjects(animal.name, @"Mary");
  } timeout:60];

Testing with XCTest

Write a Unit Test similar to the following:

import PactConsumerSwift
  var animalMockService: MockService?
  var animalServiceClient: AnimalServiceClient?

  override func setUp() {

    animalMockService = MockService(provider: "Animal Provider", consumer: "Animal Service Client")
    animalServiceClient = AnimalServiceClient(baseUrl: animalMockService!.baseUrl)

  func testItGetsAlligator() {
    // Prepare the expecated behaviour using pact's MockService
      .given("an alligator exists")
      .uponReceiving("a request for alligator")
      .withRequest(method: .GET, path: "/alligator")
      .willRespondWith(status: 200,
                       headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json"],
                       body: [ "name": "Mary" ])

    // Run the test
    animalMockService!.run(timeout: 60) { (testComplete) -> Void in
      self.animalServiceClient!.getAlligator { (response) -> in
        XCTAssertEqual(response.name, "Mary")

An optional timeout (seconds) parameter can be included on the run function. Defaults to 30 seconds.

    // Run the test
    animalMockService!.run(timeout: 60) { (testComplete) -> Void in
      self.animalServiceClient!.getAlligator { (response) -> in
        XCTAssertEqual(response.name, "Mary")

For an example on how to test over https see PactSSLSpec.swift.


In addition to verbatim value matching, you have 3 useful matching functions in the Matcher class that can increase expressiveness and reduce brittle test cases.

NOTE: One caveat to note, is that you will need to use valid Ruby regular expressions and double escape backslashes.

See the PactSpecs.swift, PactObjectiveCTests.m for examples on how to expect error responses, how to use query params, and Matchers.

For more on request / response matching, see [Matching][getting_started/matching].

Using in your CI

Xcode's pre-actions and post-actions do not honour non-zero script exits and therefore would not fail your build if publishing to a Pact Broker would fail. If you would like to upload your Pact files to a Pact Broker as part of your CI, we would suggest that you create a separate step in your CI workflow with that responsibility.

See pact-ruby-standalone page for installation instructions and how to use pact-broker client.

Verifying your client against the service you are integrating with

If your setup is correct and your tests run against the pack mock server, then you should see a log file here: $YOUR_PROJECT/tmp/pact.log And the generated pacts here: $YOUR_PROJECT/tmp/pacts/...

Publish your generated pact file(s) to your Pact Broker or a Hosted Pact Broker so your API provider can always retrieve them from one location, even when pacts change. Or even just by simply sending the pact file to your API provider devs so they can used them in their tests of their API responses. See Verifying pacts for more information. For an end-to-end example with a ruby back end service, have a look at the KatKit example.

Also, check out this article on using a dockerized Node.js service that uses provider states.

More reading


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