DiamondLightSource / python-morgul

Package to manage calibration and correction of Jungfrau images
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Morgul - Software For Jungfrau Commissioning

Morgul is a software tool to assist with our commissioning efforts for the Junfrau 1M detector.

Other non-morgul analysis tools and scripts can be found in https://github.com/DiamondLightSource/jungfrau-commissioning.



% morgul pedestal --register $DATA/2023-06-26-15-43-29_darks
Written output file jf1md_2ms_2023-06-26_15-43-29_pedestal in 1m 13s.
Copying jf1md_2ms_2023-06-26_15-43-29_pedestal to <log path>
Writing calibration log entry:
    PEDESTAL 2023-06-26T13:27:17.628631+00:00 0.002 <log_path>/jf1md_2ms_2023-06-26_15-43-29_pedestal

% morgul correct -e 12.4  $DATA/acnir_1_0.h5

Using detector: jf1md
Reading gain maps from: /dls_sw/apps/jungfrau/calibration
Correcting total of: 255960 images
Reading 2ms pedestals from: <log_path>/jf1md_2ms_2023-06-26_15-43-29_pedestal.h5
Reading 2ms mask from:      ........


To correct raw data, or generate masks from flatfield data, you must have the gain calibration constants. If running on a Diamond workstation, this should be picked up automatically (stored at /dls_sw/apps/jungfrau/calibration on the shared filesystem). If you are running elsewhere, you will need a copy of this data and to set the environment variable JUNGFRAU_GAIN_MAPS to point to the location you have downloaded them. To test this is correctly done, run morgul gainmap, which will read the gain map data and save it to a <detector>_calib.h5 file.

If you want pedestal and mask files to be found automatically by morgul correct, then you must set the JUNGFRAU_CALIBRATION_LOG environment variable to point to a location where the pedestal runs will be recorded. See the morgul pedestal description for details.

To view data or calibration files, you must have an environment with the python package napari installed, and one of their supported GUI backends. If you installed morgul into your own environment, you may need to do this manually. Please see the napari installation guide for details on how to do this.

Calibration Flow

The process of collecting and calibrating data is summarized by the following flowchart:

    darks : Collect Darks
    flatfield : Collect Flatfield
    mask : Generate Mask
    pedestals : Generate Pedestals
    data : Collect Data
    correct : Correct Data
    state if_state <<choice>>
    nxs : Generate NXmx wrapper

    [*] --> darks
    darks --> pedestals
    pedestals --> if_state

    if_state --> flatfield: If need mask
    if_state --> data
    flatfield --> mask
    mask --> data

    data --> correct
    correct --> data
    correct --> darks

    correct --> nxs: Still Data
  1. First, dark images must be collected in fixed gain modes dynamic, forceswitchg1 and forceswitchg2, for exposure times matching that which you expect to take data. Currently, we expect that this will need to be done frequently throughout your data collection sessions - we have not characterised the long-term response yet.
  2. Then the pedestal correction files are generated, with morgul pedestal.
  3. If you do not have a mask file for the detector, then you should take some flat-field data and use morgul mask to analyse it for bad pixels, creating a mask file. This (probably[^1]) doesn't need to be done very often, or more than once.
  4. Collect your data.
  5. Correct the data with morgul correct. This will write out a <filename>_corrected.h5 to the same folder as the input data.
  6. Either collect more data, or re-collect darks to calibrate against any time-based drift of the dark current.

When ready to analyse the data, either a .nxs file will have been written automatically on collection (for rotations), or you might need to generate a simple NXmx file with morgul nxs.

[^1]: At this early stage, we haven't determined how often the mask needs to be regenerated. In commissioning so far, we have relied on one mask taken early in the process to apply for the whole week. A proper protocol for when this is required hasn't been worked out yet.

Using Morgul

Pedestal Calculation: morgul pedestal

Usage: morgul pedestal [-o OUTPUT_NAME] [--register] DATA_FILE ...

The first stage towards being able to correct diffraction images. Requires three input files for gains 0 (fulfilled by being in dynamic mode while dark),1, and 2 per module on the detector - on the 1M this means six files. Each of the dark runs is checked for bad pixels, then the data averaged into a pedestal image for each gain mode in each module. The dark runs must be taken with exposure time equal to that which you intend to capture data.


Mask Generation: morgul mask

Usage: morgul mask (--energy | -e) <keV> <PEDESTAL_FILE> FLAT_DATA ...

Given a set of flat-field data sets (one for each module), correct the data and analyse it for excessively noisy pixels. The definition of "noisy" used at time of writing is $\textrm{dispersion} > 3$ where $\textrm{dispersion} = \sigma^2 / \overline x$. Because morgul mask corrects the data before looking at the pixel statistics, it both requires knowledge of the photon energy used to capture the data, passed with --energy, and a pedestal calibration file for the same exposure times.


morgul mask has the same extra options as -pedestal - -o OUTPUT for changing the default name, and --register for writing to the calibration log.

Correcting Raw Data: morgul correct

Usage: morgul correct [-p PEDESTAL] [-m MASK] -e ENERGY_KEV DATA_FILE ...

Convert raw data to photon counts, by subtracting pedestals, masking, and applying the gain tables. Photon energy must be passed in explicitly (with --energy KEV | -e KEV).

If no explicit pedestal (or mask) data is provided, and the environment variable JUNGFRAU_CALIBRATION_LOG is set, then this file will be searched for the nearest (in time) pedestal correction data that matches the exposure time of the data files being corrected e.g. pedestal data created with morgul pedestal --register


Nexus files for onward processing: morgul nxmx

Usage: morgul nxmx [-o output_name.h5] MODULE_CORRECTED_DATA ...

Generate a minimal NXmx still-image file, for onward processing and analysis. Currently NXmx files are written by the acquisition system only for rotation collections. For still/serial data sets this generates a minimalistic NXmx that can be used for processing. It requires one data file per module, and you can override the output filename with -o OUTPUT_NAME.h5.

Viewing data: morgul view

Usage: morgul view FILENAME ...

A simple napari-based viewer for inspecting input and output data from the morgul analysis steps. The kinds of data that it can view are:

If not using the central install at Diamond, you will need to have napari and one if it's supported backends installed. Please see the "Prerequisites" section above for details on doing this.


Advanced: Runtime monitoring: morgul watch

Usage: morgul watch <PATH>

A developer tool for usage on collections: This tool will watch a target root folder for new HDF5 files appearing, and display them once they become readable. Probably not useful for general usage.

Advanced: morgul pedestal-fudge

Usage: morgul pedestal-fudge INPUT_PEDESTAL EXPOSURE_TIME

Either extrapolates or divides down an existing set of pedestal corrections to a new exposure time. Probably a bad idea, and we have at time of writing no evidence that this results in valid pedestal files. Created because during the first commissioning run we inadvertantly collected some data at nonstandard exposure times, and didn't take corresponding dark images.

Documented here for completion' sake, but should not be relied on. Supports --register, similarly to morgul pedestal, in case you want to make the process of "correcting" raw data with unproven pedestal calibrations more automatic.

Expected Data Format

Data files are expected to be a separate HDF5 file for each module, each with the following structure:

/data       Image data
/exptime    Exposure time this collection was taken in
/gainmode   What gain mode the module was set to
/timestamp  UTC timestamp of when the collection started. This is
            expected to match across multiple modules captured at
            the same time.
/column     The position of this module on the detector. Counting
            starts at 0 for the bottom-left module, and increases
            as you move to the right. This is used to identify a
            unique module for matching to gain and calibration data.
/row        Same as column, but row position.