Dielee / volvo2mqtt

Home Assistant addon for connecting AAOS Volvos
MIT License
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Question about "authorize()" #144

Closed ktn001 closed 6 months ago

ktn001 commented 7 months ago

I would like to create a plugin like this one for Jeedom (an other home automation: https://jeedom.com/en/).

But first, I do have to understand how to connect to Volvo API.

I read your code in volvo.py and show that your code do not correspond to the case documented on https://developer.volvocars.com/apis/docs/authorisation/

As I understand, the method documented on developper.volvocars.com is not adapted for our usage so I will follow your example.

Could you explain how do you get the key used on volvo.py line 35 ? I would also appreciate if you have some link to a documentation to the method you use.


Dielee commented 6 months ago

This endpoint is reverse engineered from the app. Currently reverse engineered auth works also for the api. As of this, I will not give you any advice, sorry.

So it works as it is, but, I saw that Volvo already changes the auth mechanism. Maybe this will not work anymore in a few weeks.

Currently I'm trying to publish a official app at the Volvo developer portal. Waiting for more than 14 days, without any response...

ktn001 commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your answer and for your work.

I will use the same endpoint and the same key as you while waiting for a possible evolution of the authentication mechanism by Volvo.

I will probably also try to publish an official app bur this is to hourly for me.