Dielee / volvo2mqtt

Home Assistant addon for connecting AAOS Volvos
MIT License
125 stars 25 forks source link
home-assistant mqtt smarthome volvo volvocars


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This component establishes a connection between the newer AAOS Volvo cars and Home Assistant via MQTT.
Maybe this component works also with other Volvo cars. Please try out the native Volvo integration before using this component! If the native component doesn't work for your car, try this mqtt bridge.

Home Assistant thread can be found [here](https://community.home-assistant.io/t/volvo2mqtt-connect-your-aaos-volvo/585699). Important note: The Volvo api currently ONLY works in these [countries](https://developer.volvocars.com/terms-and-conditions/apis-supported-locations/) If you like my work:
[![ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/img/githubbutton_sm.svg)](https://ko-fi.com/U7U8MFXCF) ## Confirmed working with - XC40 BEV (2024) - XC40 BEV (2023) - XC40 BEV (2022) - XC40 PHEV (2021) - V60 T8 PHEV (2023) - C40 BEV (2023) - C40 BEV (2022) - C40 BEV (2024) - XC90 T8 PHEV (2023) - XC60 PHEV (2024) - XC60 PHEV (2023) - XC60 PHEV (2022) - XC60 B5 Mildhybrid (2023) - XC90 PHEV T8 (2023) - XC90 PHEV T8 (2024) - XC90 B5 Mildhybrid (2024) - V90 PHEV T8 (2019)* - V90 PHEV T6 (2024) - V90 B5 Mildhybrid (2023) *only partly working Please let me know if your car works with this addon so I can expand the list!
## Supported features - Lock/unlock car - Start/stop climate - Sensor "Battery Charge Level" - Sensor "Battery Capacity" - Sensor "Electric Range" - Sensor "Charging System Status" - Sensor "Charging Connection Status" (partly broken since 2.10 car update) - Sensor "Estimated Charging Finish Time" - Sensor "Door Lock Status (All doors, tank lid, and engine hood)" - Sensor "Window Lock Status (All windows and sunroof - Thanks to @navet)" - Sensor "Engine Status" - Sensor "Odometer" - Sensor "Tire Status" - Sensor "Fuel Status" - Sensor "Average Fuel Consumption" - Sensor "Average Speed" - Sensor "Distance to Empty" - Sensor "Hours to Service" - Sensor "Distance to Service" - Sensor "Months to Service" - Sensor "Service warning status" - Sensor "Service warning trigger" - Car Device Tracker - Multiple cars NOTE: Energy status currently available only for cars in the Europe / Middle East / Africa regions. [source](https://developer.volvocars.com/apis/energy/v1/overview/#availability) ## OTP Authentication As of version v1.9.0, this addon uses the same OTP authentication as the Volvo app. The following steps are required for authentication in exactly this order: 1. Setup volvo2Mqtt, either via Docker, or via HA addon (take a look at the "Setup" section below) 2. Fill in your settings and start volvo2Mqtt 3. Your log will show the following lines
```Waiting for otp code... Please check your mailbox and post your otp code to the following mqtt topic "volvoAAOS2mqtt/otp_code". Retry 0/15```
```Waiting for otp code... Please check your mailbox and post your otp code to the following mqtt topic "volvoAAOS2mqtt/otp_code". Retry 1/15```
```etc ...``` 4. Now, open your mailbox and copy your OTP Code 5. Open HomeAssistant and search for the entity ID ```text.volvo_otp``` 6. Paste your OTP into the text entity and **press Enter**
6a. (optional) If your OTP cannot be safed, try to paste your OTP code via MQTT to the following topic: `volvoAAOS2mqtt/otp_code`

OTP Post Script

1. Safe the following script in your script section
2. Go to https://yourHAUrl/developer-tools/service
3. Search for "Post Volvo OTP"
4. Tick "OTP" and fill in your OTP
5. Run this service

alias: Post Volvo OTP sequence: - service: mqtt.publish metadata: {} data: topic: volvoAAOS2mqtt/otp_code payload: "{{ otp }}" mode: single fields: otp: selector: text: null name: OTP description: Volvo OTP
8. If everything has worked, your addon is now authenticated. In the future, OTP authentication only needs to be done when updating, not when restarting the container. ## Setup Docker: Just install this addon with the following command. Please note to fill in your settings inside the environment variables. `docker run -d --pull=always -e CONF_updateInterval=300 -e CONF_babelLocale='de' -e CONF_mqtt='@json {"broker": "", "username": "", "password": "", "port": 1883}' -e CONF_volvoData='@json {"username": "", "password": "", "vin": "", "vccapikey": ["key1", "key2"], "odometerMultiplier": 1, "averageSpeedDivider": 1, "averageFuelConsumptionMultiplier": 1}' -e TZ='Europe/Berlin' --name volvo2mqtt ghcr.io/dielee/volvo2mqtt:latest` HA Add-On:
[![Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.](https://my.home-assistant.io/badges/supervisor_add_addon_repository.svg)](https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/supervisor_add_addon_repository/?repository_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FDielee%2Fvolvo2mqtt) Here is what every option means: | Environment Variable Name | Type | Json Option | Default | Description | | ------------------------- | :-------: | :-----------------------------------: | :----------: | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | `CONF_updateInterval` | `int` | | **required** | Update intervall in seconds. | | `CONF_babelLocale` | `string` | | **required** | Select your country from this [list](https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/radfws/9.7?topic=overview-locales-code-pages-supported). "Locale name" is the column you need! | | `CONF_mqtt` | `json` | `broker` | **required** | Your MQTT Broker IP. Eg. | `CONF_mqtt` | `json` | `port` | 1883 | Your MQTT Broker Port. If no value is given, port 1883 will be used. | | `CONF_mqtt` | `json` | `username` | optional | MQTT Username for your broker. | `CONF_mqtt` | `json` | `password` | optional | MQTT Password for your broker. | `CONF_volvoData` | `json` | `username` | **required** | Normally your email address to login into the Volvo App. | `CONF_volvoData` | `json` | `password` | **required** | Your password to login into the Volvo App. | `CONF_volvoData` | `json` | `vin` | optional | A single VIN like "VIN1" or a list of VINs like "["VIN1", "VIN2"]". Leave this empty if you don't know your VIN. The addon will use every car that is tied to your account. | `CONF_volvoData` | `json` | `vccapikey` | **required** | VCCAPIKEY linked with your volvo developer account. Get your Vccapi key from [here](https://developer.volvocars.com/account/). Starting version 1.8.0, it is possible to define multiple keys, like this: `["vccapikey1", "vccapikey2", "vccapikey3", "etc..."]` | `CONF_volvoData` | `json` | `odometerMultiplier` | optional | The multiplier value for the odometer value, as the volvo api delivers inconsistent data. For some cars this setting is 10, for some 1. Try what's right for your car. If you leave it empty, the multiplier will be 1. | `CONF_volvoData` | `json` | `averageSpeedDivider` | optional | The divider value for the average speed value, as the volvo api delivers inconsistent data. For some cars this setting is 10, for some 1. Try what's right for your car. If you leave it empty, the divider will be 1. | `CONF_volvoData` | `json` | `averageFuelConsumptionMultiplier` | optional | The multiplier value for the average fuel consumption value, as the volvo api delivers inconsistent data. For some cars this setting is 10, for some 1. Try what's right for your car. If you leave it empty, the multiplier will be 1. | `CONF_debug` | `string` | | optional | Debug option (true/false). Normally you don't need this. | | `TZ` | `string` | | **required** | Container timezone eg "Europe/Berlin" from [here](https://docs.diladele.com/docker/timezones.html)| [aarch64-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/aarch64-yes-green.svg [amd64-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/amd64-yes-green.svg [armhf-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/armhf-yes-green.svg [armv7-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/armv7-yes-green.svg [i386-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/i386-yes-green.svg [releases]: https://github.com/Dielee/volvo2mqtt/releases [releases-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/release/Dielee/volvo2mqtt.svg [maintenance-shield]: https://img.shields.io/maintenance/yes/2024.svg [commits-shield]: https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/Dielee/volvo2mqtt.svg [commits]: https://github.com/Dielee/volvo2mqtt/commits/main