Dielee / volvo2mqtt

Home Assistant addon for connecting AAOS Volvos
MIT License
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Automating the OTP #205

Closed rubenv closed 2 days ago

rubenv commented 1 week ago

Just leaving this here for those who might want to do the same: if you want the OTP handling to be fully automated, you might consider using the IMAP integration and an automation such as this:

alias: Volvo OTP
description: ""
  - platform: event
    event_type: imap_content
      initial: true
      sender: no-reply@volvocars.com
      subject: Your Volvo ID Verification code
condition: []
  - service: mqtt.publish
    metadata: {}
      topic: volvoAAOS2mqtt/otp_code
      payload_template: >-
        {{ trigger.event.data['text'] | regex_findall_index(find='Your Volvo ID verification code is:\s+(\d+)', index=0) }}
  - service: imap.delete
      entry: "{{ trigger.event.data['entry_id'] }}"
      uid: "{{ trigger.event.data['uid'] }}"
mode: single

This will post the OTP code to the right location and then delete the message from your inbox (if you're using Google Mail, that means archiving it).


Dielee commented 1 week ago

Wow, nice! Thanks.

rubenv commented 1 week ago

Yeah I was amazed at how easy this was.

HA is a gem.

Dielee commented 1 week ago

Are you able to post this for the ha community?

rubenv commented 1 week ago

As in: put it on my blog or so? Might do that yes.