Dielee / volvo2mqtt

Home Assistant addon for connecting AAOS Volvos
MIT License
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No respond after running the command #72

Closed SanderH030 closed 11 months ago

SanderH030 commented 11 months ago


Can someone help me out? I installed the HACS add-on with the URL (https://github.com/Dielee/volvo2mqtt). After that, I gave the following command (I used capital letters and bold font for the personal information):

docker run -d --pull=always -e CONF_updateInterval=300 -e CONF_babelLocale='nl_NL' -e CONF_mqtt='@json {"broker": "", "username": “PERSONAL E-MAIL”, "password": “PERSONAL PASSWORD”, "port": 1883}' -e CONF_volvoData='@json {"username": “PERSONAL E-MAIL, "password": “PERSONAL PASSWORD”, "vin": “VIN VOLVO CAR”, "vccapikey": “KEY FROM VOLVO API”, "odometerMultiplier": 1, "averageSpeedDivider": 1, "averageFuelConsumptionMultiplier": 1}' -e TZ='Europe/Amsterdam’ --name volvo2mqtt ghcr.io/dielee/volvo2mqtt:latest

After running the command in the Terminal & SSH in home assistant there is no responding. Can some of you guys tell me what is wrong in the command above?


Dielee commented 11 months ago

You installed the ha addon and then started the raw docker install ?!

If you use the ha addon, there is no need to use the docker run command.

SanderH030 commented 11 months ago

You installed the ha addon and then started the raw docker install ?!

If you use the ha addon, there is no need to use the docker run command.

Thanks! Yes, I run the command because when I used the HA addon there is an error. I can't save the filled in configuration in the addon:

Failed to save add-on configuration, not a valid value. Got {'updateInterval': 300, 'babelLocale': 'nl_NL', 'TZ': 'Europe/Amsterdam', 'debug': False, 'mqtt': {'broker': '', 'port': 1883, 'username': 'auto_user', 'password': 'auto_password'}, 'volvoData': {'username': 'EMAIL', 'password': 'PASSWORD', 'vin': 'VIN', 'vccapikey': 'API FROM VOLVO', 'odometerMultiplier': 1, 'averageSpeedDivider': 1, 'averageFuelConsumptionMultiplier': 1}}

Dielee commented 11 months ago

Is your mqtt broker running also as HA Addon ?

SanderH030 commented 11 months ago

Is your mqtt broker running also as HA Addon ?

Yes, I have a local MQTT broker (Mosquitto) and it's running in the HA addon. I have an additional user for this broker.

I filled in all the config fields as you can see below:

Scherm­afbeelding 2023-08-03 om 14 41 58

Still get the following error:

Failed to save add-on configuration, not a valid value. Got {'updateInterval': 300, 'babelLocale': 'nl_NL', 'TZ': 'Europe/Amsterdam', 'debug': False, 'mqtt': {'broker': '192.168', 'port': 1883, 'username': 'MQTT', 'password': 'PASSWORD USER MQTT'}, 'volvoData': {'username': 'E-MAIL VOLVO ON CALL APP', 'password': 'PASSWORD VOLVO ON CALL APP', 'vin': 'VIN VOLVO CAR', 'vccapikey': 'API FROM VOLVO DEV SITE', 'odometerMultiplier': 1, 'averageSpeedDivider': 1, 'averageFuelConsumptionMultiplier': 1}}

I don't understand what I'am doing wrong, but it can't be saved.

Dielee commented 11 months ago

So, if your mqtt broker runs on the same machine, just leave the mqtt config as it is.

    broker: "auto_broker"
    port: "auto_port"
    username: "auto_user"
    password: "auto_password"

Please read the instructions carefully: Leave the settings as they are if you are using the MQTT Mosquitto Addon. If not, take a look at the readme from volvo2mqtt.

SanderH030 commented 11 months ago

So, if your mqtt broker runs on the same machine, just leave the mqtt config as it is.

    broker: "auto_broker"
    port: "auto_port"
    username: "auto_user"
    password: "auto_password"

Please read the instructions carefully: Leave the settings as they are if you are using the MQTT Mosquitto Addon. If not, take a look at the readme from volvo2mqtt.

Thank you Dielee, it works! I'am sorry, havent' read the instructions carefully. Love the integration already :)!

Dielee commented 11 months ago

Nice! Have fun!