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An ablation study on the transformer network for Natural Language Processing
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NLP MetaFormer - An ablation study on the transformer network for NLP tasks


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From scaled dot product to metric tensor

In this section, we point out that the multi-headed scaled dot product attention introduced in 2017 is equivalent to a general quadratic form that lends itself to a more efficient reformulation. Furthermore, we argue on the grounds of efficiency, interpretability and regularization for the imposition that the form be a metric/metric-like tensor.

What follows is a short exposition of scaled dot product, using Ricci calculus to avoid underspecification and transitioning into the proposed quadratic and metric attentions.

Let $K_d^{nk}$, $Q_d^{nk}$ and $V_d^{nk}$ each be $N_n$ learnable linear maps from $\mathbf{R}^{N_d}$ to $\mathbf{R}^{N_k}$ that act on a batch of $N_b$ sequences of $N_c$ input embeddings from $\mathbf{R}^{N_d}$ to produce the well known keys, queries and values,

$$ k^{bnck} = K_d^{nk} x^{bcd} $$

$$ q^{bnck} = Q_d^{nk} x^{bcd} $$

$$ v^{bnck} = V_d^{nk} x^{bcd} $$

Each query is dotted with every other key and the result is inversly scaled by the root of the dimensionality of the projection space before being softmaxed along one of the directions, producing

$$ s^{bncc'} = \textrm{softmax}^{c'} \left ( \frac{1}{\sqrt{Nk}} q^{bnck} k^{bnc'k'} \delta{kk'} \right ) $$

where $s^{bncc'}$ represents the influence of embedding $c'$ on embedding $c$. The use of $N_k$ is what gives this core mechanism the name of scaled dot product attention. The scores are then used on a weighted sum of the values to produce new representations

$$ t^{bnck} = s^{bncc'} v^{bnc''k} \delta_{c'c''} $$

and the result is reflatened and projected to the original embedding space

$$ \bar t^{bcl} = t^{bnck} $$

$$ y^{bcd} = E_l^d \bar t^{bcl} $$

Our focus is on the step right before the application of a softmax

$$ r^{bncc'} = q^{bnck} k^{bnc'k'} \delta_{kk'} $$

By substituting the operations that produced the queries and keys,

$$ r^{bncc'} = Qd^{nk} K{d'}^{nk'} \delta_{kk'} x^{bcd} x^{bc'd'} $$

and by defining $U^n{dd'} = K{d'}^{nk'} Qd^{nk} \delta{kk'} $, we can see how the quadratic form emerges

$$ r^{bncc'} = U^n_{dd'} x^{bcd} x^{bc'd'} $$

It is evident that the original group of equations are equivalent to the simple quadratic form.

The motivation for using multiple heads that operate on a smaller dimensional space is that, whearas the quadratic form makes use of $N_nNd^2$ parameters in $U^n{dd'}$, the 2017 formulation uses $2N_nN_dN_k$, thus, as long as $N_k < N_d/2$ across $K_d^{nk}$, $Q_d^{nk}$ and $V_d^{nk}$, making approach is more memory efficient.

However, it is not the most efficient reformulation that can be squeezed out of the quadratic form. Let us assume that there exists $P^{nk}d$ such that $U^n {dd'} = P^{nk}d P^{nk} {d'} $, then

$$ r^{bncc'} = P^{nk}d P^{nk} {d'} x^{bcd} x^{bc'd'} = (P^{nk}d x^{bcd}) (P^{nk} {d'} x^{bc'd'}) $$

This restriction has now halved the number of parameters down to $N_d N_n N_k$ in $P^{nk}_d$.

Some additional things to note:

CUDA Kernel of the Metric Tensor Attention

Forwards Pass

Let $P^{nk}_d$ be $N_n$ learnable projections from $\mathbf R^{N_d}$ to $\mathbf R^{N_k}$ and $x^{bcd}$ a batch of $N_b$ sequences containing $N_c$ embeddings from $\mathbf R^{N_d}$. The action of these projections is expressed by

$$p^{bnck} = P^{nk}_d x^{bcd}$$

At the heart of the proposed attention mechanism is a learnable dot product of each projected embedding with each other embedding. This is achieved using $Nn$ learnable metric tensors $M^{n}{kk'}$ and is given by

$$r^{bncc'} = M^{n}_{kk'} p^{bnck} p^{bnc'k'}$$

The metric tensor is symmetric, so we can reduce the number of computations by grouping the terms strategically,

$$r^{bncc'} = \delta^{kk'} M^n{kk'} p^{bnck} p^{bnc'k'} + 2 \delta^{k>k'} M^n{kk'} p^{bnck} p^{bnc'k'}$$

Let $F_N(v, w)$ be a pairing function that indexes the elements above and including the diagonal of a matrix from $\mathbf R^{N\times N}$, and $f$ and $g$ integer valued functions that retrieve the first and second argument of $F_N$, that is

$$ v = f(F_{N}(v, w)) $$


$$ w = g(F_{N}(v, w)) $$

Such an arrangement is easily achieved by storing two arrays to be used as a lookup table for $f$ and $g$. Finally, let $l=F_{N_l}(k, k')$, and define

$$ \bar M^n{l} = M^n{f(l)g(l)} $$

which we use to rewrite our original expression as

$$r^{bncc'} = \delta^{f(l)g(l)} \bar M^n_{l} p^{bncf(l)} p^{bnc'f(l)} + 2 \tilde \delta^{f(l)g(l)} \bar M^n_l p^{bncf(l)} p^{bnc'g(l)}$$

where $\tilde \delta^{f(l)g(l)} = 1 - \delta^{f(l)g(l)} $.

At this point, our expression already fits quite well within a cuda kernel. Note how the $\delta$'s neatly define which expression needs to be calculated for a given value of $l$ and how easily that can be determined with an if-statement on $l$.

However, a further computational saving is unlocked with the usage of a metric tensor, since dot products are comutative it follows that $q^{bncc'} =q^{bnc'c}$, so we only need to perform the computation once for each $cc'$ where $c \geq c'$. Let $u=F_{N_c}(c, c')$ and agree on the convention that when $f$ and $g$ act on $l$, they'll recover $k$ and $k'$, but when they act on $u$, they'll recover $c$ and $c'$, so we rewrite the forwards kernel as

$$\bar r^{bnu} = \delta^{f(l)g(l)} \bar M^n_{l} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bng(u)f(l)} + 2 \tilde \delta^{f(l)g(l)} \bar M^n_l p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bng(u)g(l)}$$

To avoid repetition, I'll do the treatment for the following expression

$$\rho^{bncc'l} = p^{bncf(l)} p^{bnc'g(l)}$$

and perform symbol substitution where necessary in order to place it back on the expression we're working. Performing direct substitution we get

$$\rho^{bnul} = p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bng(u)g(l)}$$

which we can similarly split into two terms

$$\rho^{bnul} = \delta^{f(u)g(u)} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bng(u)g(l)} + 2 \tilde \delta^{f(u)g(u)} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bng(u)g(l)}$$

$$ = \delta^{f(u)g(u)} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bnf(u)g(l)} + 2 \tilde \delta^{f(u)g(u)} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bng(u)g(l)}$$

Substituting this back, while attending to the relevant substitution on the first term of the original expression,

$$ \begin{aligned} r^{bnu} &= \delta^{f(l)g(l)} \bar M^n_{l} \left [ \delta^{f(u)g(u)} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} + 2 \tilde \delta^{f(u)g(u)} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bng(u)f(l)} \right ] \ &\quad + 2 \tilde \delta^{f(l)g(l)} \bar M^n_l \left [ \delta^{f(u)g(u)} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bnf(u)g(l)} + 2 \tilde \delta^{f(u)g(u)} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bng(u)g(l)} \right ] \end{aligned} $$

which we'll now group according to the $\delta$'s

$$ \begin{aligned} r^{bnu} &= \bar M^n {l} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} \delta^{f(l)g(l)} \delta^{f(u)g(u)} \ &\quad + 2 \bar M^n{l} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bng(u)f(l)} \delta^{f(l)g(l)} \tilde \delta^{f(u)g(u)} \ &\quad + 2 \bar M^n_l p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bnf(u)g(l)} \delta^{f(u)g(u)} \tilde \delta^{f(l)g(l)} \ &\quad + 4 \bar M^n_l p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bng(u)g(l)} \tilde \delta^{f(u)g(u)} \tilde \delta^{f(l)g(l)} \end{aligned} $$

Note that for every combination of $l$ and $u$, only one term in this expression needs to be computed and the number of floating point calculations has been reduced from $N_k^2N_c^2$ to $N_kN_c / 2$ (note to self: verify this ).

To proceed with the rest of the attention mechanism, $q^{bncc'}$ is recovered and the standard application of a softmax is made

$$ s^{bncc'} = \textrm{softmax}^{c'} \left ( \frac{r^{bncc'} }{\sqrt{N_k}} \right ) $$

but followed by the application of the scores on the same projection

$$ t^{bnck} = s^{bncc'} p^{bnc''k} \delta{c'c''} = s^{bnc} {c'} p^{bnc'k} $$

The result is then reflattened and a final transformation is applied to ensure mixing of the features and align the dimensionality to the original embedding space

$$ \bar t^{bcl} = t^{bnck} $$

$$ y^{bcd} = E_l^d \bar t^{bcl} $$

to provide some clarity into how this fits toguether in a cuda kernel, here q_bnul corresponds to $r^{bnul}$ which is then summed over l afterwards to get $r^{bnu}$

template <typename scalar_t> 
__global__ void metric_attention_forwards_kernel(
    CudaTensorView<scalar_t, 4> p_bnck,
    CudaTensorView<scalar_t, 2> M_nl,
    CudaTensorView<scalar_t, 4> q_bnul,
    CudaTensorView<size_t, 2> index_table_2l,
    CudaTensorView<size_t, 2> index_table_2u,
    const int max_global_idx
) {

    int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; // Global thread index

    if (idx > max_global_idx) return;

    size_t b;
    compute_index(idx, q_bnul.size(0), b);

    size_t n;
    compute_index(idx, q_bnul.size(1), n);

    size_t u;
    compute_index(idx, q_bnul.size(2), u);

    size_t l;
    compute_index(idx, q_bnul.size(3), l);

    size_t k = index_table_2l[0][l];
    size_t k_1 = index_table_2l[1][l];

    size_t c = index_table_2u[0][u];
    size_t c_1 = index_table_2u[1][u];

    // assign common factor
    q_bnul[b][n][u][l] =  M_nl[n][l]*p_bnck[b][n][c][k];

    if (k == k_1 && c == c_1){
        q_bnul[b][n][u][l] *= p_bnck[b][n][c][k];
    } else if (k == k_1  && c != c_1) {
        q_bnul[b][n][u][l] *= 2*p_bnck[b][n][c_1][k];
    } else if (k != k_1  && c == c_1) {
        q_bnul[b][n][u][l] *= 2*p_bnck[b][n][c][k_1];
    } else if (k != k_1  && c != c_1) {
        q_bnul[b][n][u][l] *= 4*p_bnck[b][n][c_1][k_1];

Backwards Pass

In the backwards pass, we're interested in calculating the following quantities,

$$ \delta M^{n} {l} = \lambda \partial{M^{n} {l}} L = \lambda ( \partial{r^{bnu} } L ) \deltau^u ( \partial{M^{n}_ {l}} r^{bnu} ) $$


$$ \partial{ p^{bnck}} L = ( \partial{r^{bnu} } L ) \deltau^u ( \partial{ p^{bnck}} r^{bnu} ) $$

where $L$ denotes the loss function, $\lambda$ the learning rate and, $\delta M^{n} {l}$ the update in $M^{n} {l}$ for the current iteration of the gradient descent algorithm. The quantity $\partial_{ p^{bnck}} L$ is required so that the backwards propagation can be continued towards the preceding layer.

Gradient with respect with the metric coordinates:

$$ \begin{aligned} \partial{M^{n} {l'}} r^{bnu} &= \delta{ll'} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} \delta^{f(l)g(l)} \delta^{f(u)g(u)} \ &\quad + 2 \delta{ll'} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bng(u)f(l)} \delta^{f(l)g(l)} \tilde \delta^{f(u)g(u)} \ &\quad + 2 \delta{ll'} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bnf(u)g(l)} \delta^{f(u)g(u)} \tilde \delta^{f(l)g(l)} \ &\quad + 4 \delta{ll'} p^{bnf(u)f(l)} p^{bng(u)g(l)} \tilde \delta^{f(u)g(u)} \tilde \delta^{f(l)g(l)}
\end{aligned} $$

Gradient with respect to the input coordinates

$$ \begin{aligned} \partial{p^{bnc''k''}} r^{bncc'} &= M^{n} {kk'} \partial{p^{bnc''k''}} p^{bnck} p^{bnc'k'} \ &= M^{n} {kk'} p^{bnc'k'} \partial{p^{bnc''k''}} p^{bnck} + M^{n} {kk'} p^{bnck} \partial{p^{bnc''k''}} p^{bnc'k'} \ &= M^{n} {kk'} p^{bnc'k'} \delta^{c''c} \delta^{k''k} + M^{n}_ {kk'} p^{bnck} \delta^{c''c'} \delta^{k''k'} \ \end{aligned} $$

Which can be rewritten as

$$ \partial_{p^{bnc''k''}} r^{bnu} = \bar M_l p^{bng(u)g(l)} \delta^{c''f(u)} \delta^{k''f(l)} + \bar M_l p^{bnf(u)f(l)} \delta^{c''g(u)} \delta^{k''g(l)} $$


Note: all workflows have been removed, pipelines are being moved to prefect

Name and Status Dataset Usability Workflow Badge
Sentiment Analysis Task (Completed with success) asa-v0.2.0 Outdated train-model: Sentiment Analysis Amazon Reviews @ EC2 Spot
Sentiment Analysis Task (Completed without success, model overfits easily) stanford dataset Outdated train-model: Sentiment Analysis @ EC2 Spot
GPT Shakespeare Textgen (Completed with success) sha-v0.1.0 Outdated GPT Array Sorter Experiment
GPT Array Sorter Experiment (Completed with success) Generated Outdated GPT Array Sorter Experiment

Early Explorations with NanoGPT array sorter

NanoGPT was trained to sort the tokens 1, 2 and 3.






Text Classification (Preliminary)


Next Token Prediction (Preliminary)

These are some results and explorations from earlier experiments, they will soon be replaced by final (and more intelligible) results.





The meaning of life is full of me:
I spy an age be content: the sea excuse that very
are to achieve for our prisoner to Rome's wife,
'Sirrah's see, command, let twenty pound
Strive might now; since is about me than,
Were then but the point of death: he were a
them where I'll wear what to wash you, for
And copy of the action; and gave me down himself
For why I should give for these fashion of them
Whether but relished to the hand:
Then speak, old and pray, no when the petition
With what, by our petition you bear this, after;
Not writ we held him. When like subjects put out,
That six years would reap the will we more
To follow us fly the throne of heaven, as sad
Which had no further. There, gentle Paulina,
The same no bodes with our valiant power,
And that's the herd, there be an his certain
Nor private gentlemen with you,--O, and your
Long may answer, from us, to fly seeing remorse,
The mutinous their eyes, who hath slain!
His senate-face, and my life sent,
The dangerous lenity where she starts;
And all with the sea or mistaken;
For him from whence can I do.

No310 of fear, here comes it.

Ay, give? it not fall of this:
If thy mother shall be seen the world
Might gently before thyself in time.
MeDecline image and look'd, then, take him:
'Shall I we see thee thy tongue.

All Edward again. Give me to France, madam, I.
The meaning of life is soaking,'er's friend,
For I will in some man. It were to Richmond,
But by the general made up,
And when he walks, make him yea,
Thou shalt teach thee will to give himself?
Than Lewis he did I think of infirm'd too.

Under whom me so I swear to deliver me?


Ghost that I, a kingdom this amongst us.

His lie such an Cates, he fears you.

But raise this stands giftedave.

The rest be not your crown?

Is this once, that I enforce his sign of four
Which be uncle, till I let me to have done,
And not privy friend to a grief weep.
An, and my husband's wife hath done a want of mine.
My frost may follow to love.

The high forehead Margaret of Warwick mans your tongue and Derby,
To prove it of Buckingham shall way the streets.

Ay, by this device are butcher of Glouces;
Poor high love kill it will--

QUEEN ELIZABETH: may awake Boling;
And unblown, unto the cause
Or once to her repeal'd in private.
Come, no, the dying sovereign to my son and this land what
And were for Edward to thither to kill'd.
The knights and no conquest of them?
But do you be nor bestow' sovereign, nor debt:
Our children of Clarence, if 'tis trueborn blood.
Thus till then, my Edward is like our course of scful!

In all the results from very early experiments, despite the parameter reduction and the strong constraints, the network seemed to perform the same during and after training







A. In-Code Tensor Notation Guidelines

In our code, we use a specific notation to denote the shape of tensors. Here's how it works:

This notation helps us keep track of tensor shapes throughout our code, making it easier to understand and debug.